My money’s on Boebert because she’s a pistol packin’ mama.

  • HobbitFoot
    1 year ago

    I’m not that surprised. Greene seems to understand the politics in the House and use it to her advantage. She’s not dumb, and she seems to know when and how to flip a position to get what she wants.

    In contrast, Boebert is really that dumb and seems over her head. She needs her caucus to act together because she can’t really develop policy outside of being told who to support.

    That said, Boebert seems to have the crazy energy to win in a fight that Greene doesn’t have.

      1 year ago

      In terms of intellect I would call it a draw. Remember Greene is the same person who went on record saying that wildfires were being intentionally caused by George Soros funded lasers from space. She is also on record referring to “gazpacho police” and believing that the 2020 election was rigged. Those are not comments from a smart person. She, like Boebert, is exceptionally dumb. Smart enough though to realize they can make lucrative careers out of preying on the fears of her constituency. We are all smart enough to do that though. It is just that the rest of us choose more honest ways to support our livelihoods.