• agent_flounder@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    …Liz Monahon at McMurdo Station grabbed a hammer.

    If those in charge weren’t going to protect her from the man she feared would kill her, she figured, she needed to protect herself. It wasn’t like she could escape. They were all stuck there together on the ice.

    As always, the fish rots from the head; those in charge perpetuate the culture that leads a woman to fear enough to have to carry a fucking hammer around for self defense because nobody at the top will actually protect her.

    • ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Yes, exactly. And it wasn’t just the male management, it was ALL management. Liz Monahon was legitimately frightened for her life, and the female HR rep is only concerned that Monahon making a report would make others politically uncomfortable:

      After a night in her new room, Monahon met with PAE’s HR representative, Michelle Izzi. Monahon claims Izzi discouraged her from reporting what happened to the deputy U.S. marshal, in part because it would create jurisdictional headaches and even an international problem, as Buckingham [one of the repeat sexual harassers/stalkers] was a New Zealand citizen. Monahon also says Izzi told her she needed to carefully consider how filing charges might affect her personally and impact the entire U.S. Antarctic Program.
      [note in brackets added by me]