A recent study in Israel used brain scans to explore the differences in empathy between political liberals and conservatives. The researchers found that when imagining other people suffering, liberals showed stronger brain reactions associated with empathy compared to conservatives. This pattern of brain activity was linked to participants’ self-reported political beliefs and their acceptance of right-wing values. The study was published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience. …

  • AllonzeeLV@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    You right-wingers love capitalism. Property values, aka how many people want to live there relative to supply, in the places you guys call shitholes demonstrate how nonsensical your views are by your own metric.

    People want to live in places like Toronto and LA. That’s why they’re expensive to buy and rent in or near. With the exception of Texas sitting on oil like the Saudis, no one wants to live in conservative states that cut taxes to the bone starving the commons like infrastructure and education. Few want to live in the ignorant dirt when civilization exists.