My parents are landlords of a medium apartment with a family of 4 living inside it. Is it hypocritical for me to be a Marxist-Leninist when my parents are landlords? especially considering what past revolutionaries have done to landlords (Mao). To clarify things, i do not agree with the concept of landlord-ism and how my parents (and me too from a broader view) are benefiting from someone else’s income while doing nothing except owning basic human needs

    1 year ago

    What would an alternative be? If they aren’t price jacking or leaving everything in poor condition etc, then they’re providing a service (rental) for someone who may not be able to afford to purchase their own home. I can’t afford a house or apartment near enough to where I work so I have to rent. My alternative would be not having a job in my field (it’s pretty expensive to live anywhere it gets done) or commuting over two hours.

    From my perspective as someone that relies on rented living situation, your parents provide a service that lets me keep my job and not be homeless