German Social Democratic Party leader Saskia Esken has boycotted a Bernie Sanders event over his supposedly anti-Israel statements. Bernie’s statement? “The targeting of civilians is a war crime, no matter who does it.”

ED: A recent episode with a popular German political podcaster

    1 year ago

    It is OK to criticize or express caution about Israeli policies and government.

    No, it’s not if you are German.

    And this has nothing to to with some signaling for team Israel. If a single high-ranking politician in Germany would be caught saying that Israel is commiting war crimes the international media wouldn’t need more than 30 minutes before the calls for invading to denazify Germany again would start. And with the usual hateful morons being in control it would only need to another 30 minutes before we had reached the bomb them all and finally destroy that failed country stage on social media.

    You should really try having any opinoin but one of highest praise and adoration for Israel as a random nobody from Germany on social media. Then you might understand actual reality. This is not Germans that call for your immidiate execution the moment you dare to criticise Israel.

    FFS… I dared to mention over on Reddit that Hamas’ terrorist acts don’t suddenly make Israel’s actions right and now have another dozen new messages calling me a nazi or calling for me to be shot (or both) for my collection, alongside with a lot of new messages from Reddit’s mental health bot offering me all the hotline numbers I obviously need before I start hurting my self and others in my unstable mental state.

      1 year ago

      Your rant is unfocused. I’m not sure it communicates much. Perhaps you could simplify?

      1 year ago

      It’s almost beyond belief, but it’s true.

      Even the simplest softest anti-Zionist criticisms are turned into huge anti-semitic proclamations, and those in turn are beyond the pale in Germany. In the last week Israel flags have sprung up everywhere, as well as missing person posters for Israelis supposedly abducted by Hamas.

      But that’s as far as German support for Jews goes - or maybe one should call it German repentance for the crimes of the Nazis.

      At the same time anti-semitic violence has always been happening in the background, but it’s never really reported on or discussed. There are regular Nazi “cells” discovered within police and military, but it’s always “isolated incidents.” The constitutional protection agency (Verfassungsschutz) is run by Nazi adjacents. That’s just the tip of the iceberg.