• kava@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    it’s one sided because the power dynamics are one sided. israel is totally dominant. they own the palestinians. we are talking about a population that is totally at the mercy of a country actively hostile to them. when you subjugate a group of people, take away their economic potential and freedom of movement, and then you regularly kill them in brutal fashion over the course of decades…

    why is an isreali life worth any more than a palestinian?

    nothing justifies the taking of innocent life. what hamas did was a terror attack. but i believe in treating the disease and not the symptom. israel caused this with their long term brutality.

    already at this point israel has already equalized the number of dead civilians and it doesn’t look like they’re slowing down anytime soon. how many gazans need to die before this is through?

      • kava@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        You are ignoring what I am saying. I think you are the one that is biased.

        I am not justifying violence done by Hamas. I am saying you cannot equate the total harm done by Hamas with the harm done by Israel. When you say “both parties are terrible” you ignore the context that Israel has done magnitudes more harm over a much longer period of time.

        Israel has killed a magnitude more Palestinians than the other way around

        Acknowledge that and tell me why you think Palestinian lives are worth so much less to equate these two things. I refuse to continue this back and forth with you while you ignore that fact

        Israel has been in the driver’s seat for 75 years. It’s not the Palestinians under blockade. When Gaza hospitals and universities get bombed, there is no Iron Dome to protect them. Israelis aren’t the ones being kicked out of their homes over the last century. Israelis aren’t the ones being subject to apartheid.

        You’re being disingenuous. And I think you’re doing it on purpose.