Hello everyone, welcome back to Theory Thursday. With the looming privacy issues I had to remake my account, taking down the previous post. Sorry about that!

Before the previous post was taken down, Principles of Communism by Frederick Engels was in the lead. So this week we will start there! Seeing how it’s a quick read, we can get it done in once session.

You can find it online here: https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm

If anyone can find any additional resources (study guides, ect.) to help with reading this theory please comment below.

Study up comrades and we’ll meet again on Thursday to discuss the text.

  • TT17@lemmygrad.mlOP
    1 year ago

    Original Post:


    Hello everyone, welcome to Theory Thursday! The point of these posts is to read a bit of theory every Thursday, and discuss with fellow comrades.

    This is going to be a community led project. We’re going to vote as a community to decide on what to read and when. Post reading recommendations in the comments, let the community vote on what to read next, and go from there.

    This week will be dedicated to finding what to read. I’ll give this post time to have a healthy discussion among the community. I’ll post the results first thing on Monday. Then I’ll start posting annually on Thursday where we’ll discuss the topic of choice. Think of it like an online weekly book club with your fellow comrades.

    Again, this is community led, so feel free to give feedback.

    Comment your book recommendations below. Let’s have a good week comrades!

    Comments/Book Recommendations: The reading recommendations were Principles of Communism, Wage Labor and Capital, Thesis on Feuerbach, and On Contradiction. Principles of Communism and Wage Labor and Capital were tied at the time the post went down. Seeing how Principles of Communism is more beginner friendly, I think we should start there. Sorry OP who suggested Wage Labor and Capital, we’ll vote again this Thursday so don’t worry, there’s plenty of reading to be done!