Please stop reporting all OF models as spam. If a post is off-topic, report is as off-topic. If community rules forbid OF models from posting, report that. If a user is flooding a sub with multiple posts a day in a row, that’s a legit report as well.

Otherwise a post by an OF model is not in and of itself spam, even if it is made by a <ferengi>female</ferengi> with the temerity to control her own sexuality.

    1 year ago

    I think that this is better handled per community instead of per instance.

    I get what you say about r/gonewild getting ruined by OF posts; OF posts are usually optimised to make you check the link and follow the content creator, so they’re crafted in a very specific way to gather attention that spontaneous posts wouldn’t, so the later ends overshadowed and the posts feel more and more similar to each other over time.

    However, what I feel that the platform needs the most is content quantity; there’s relatively little content here, so even OF posts are contributing, even if you label them as advertisement.

    And in this specific case we can have the cake and have it too. Since we already know that OF and spontaneous content don’t mix well, communities can be geared towards one or another type of content. Just like hentai vs. RL porn, or fetish vs. vanilla. It’s also more inclusive because, come on, “you can’t post here because you got OF” sounds a bit arbitrary as a restriction.

    Note that your analogy with food subs is flawed: food subs discuss food, while porn subs distribute porn. You can’t eat a cake online, but you can see porn online. And once we handle this difference, it becomes like @xyth said, it’s more like those people are from food companies distributing free food, in a place about sharing free food. (Or rather food kiosks doing it - OF posters are individuals, not companies.)

    Just my two cents.

      1 year ago

      I moderated a small subreddit. 90% of the posts I removed where OF bot spam, and 100% of obvious botspam was OF bots.

      Between that and other platforms being filled with OF ads I can’t say I agree. It needs to be handled on a per-instance basis because once the OF spam infection takes root it’s basically impossible to eliminate regardless of community rules. Once direct posts get under control they move onto cross posting, then replying to top comments. It never ends.

      For every one good OF creator that doesn’t spam you get at least 10 who use bots, and the bot users make significantly more money while having to produce less content than the ethical OF creators and that’ll never change. It’s not worth letting them destroy an entire instance just to be fair to the few good actors.

        1 year ago

        Yeah, coming from Reddit here as well. I don’t think they understand what’s coming. Which is sad because plenty of us are trying to warn them.