Sausages are a staple of German street food, and yet most places serve sausages in a round “semmel” bun. But the sausages are long (duh) so they just beg for a longer bun. Why do you think hot-dog-style buns aren’t more popular?
Sausages are a staple of German street food, and yet most places serve sausages in a round “semmel” bun. But the sausages are long (duh) so they just beg for a longer bun. Why do you think hot-dog-style buns aren’t more popular?
Your take on Wurst has no relevance for OP if by traditionally you mean 500 years ago. Who cares about 500 years ago? He wants to talk about recent events and you are here giving him a history lesson. 500 years ago NO MEAT was street food because most people were too poor to eat meat regularly. Of course you would treat eating meat like a special event.
You merely adopted the Wurst. I was born in a Metzgerei, moulded by it…