I would be fine with them being off for bathroom breaks and lunch. I am good with only requiring them to be on during calls, but then also assuming the officer did whatever someone says they did if the camera is not on to support the officer. Treat it as protecting the officer and it will be on to protect the public.
Maybe, just maybe keep them on like… all the time? Wild idea, I know!
Should make turning bodycams off a criminal offense.
I would be fine with them being off for bathroom breaks and lunch. I am good with only requiring them to be on during calls, but then also assuming the officer did whatever someone says they did if the camera is not on to support the officer. Treat it as protecting the officer and it will be on to protect the public.
bet someone will be like “what if the camera suddenly doesn’t work?!”
then don’t fucking kill anyone. Same as if your gun jammed and you couldn’t kill anyone that day.
Maybe there shouldn’t even be a switch