You can, in fact, make evidence up or make claims completely without evidence, and both of these things happen in science all the time.
Religion is dirty, inconsistent, and biased
Science is dirty, inconsistent, and biased - that doesn’t mean science is diminished by our knowing and acknowledging that.
We shouldn’t make arguments that pretend science is anything but what it is, or we’re engaging in the same polemics that religious zealots do.
Science is evidence based you can’t make those up
You can, in fact, make evidence up or make claims completely without evidence, and both of these things happen in science all the time.
Religion is dirty, inconsistent, and biased Science is dirty, inconsistent, and biased - that doesn’t mean science is diminished by our knowing and acknowledging that.
We shouldn’t make arguments that pretend science is anything but what it is, or we’re engaging in the same polemics that religious zealots do.
Biased science???
Yeah! Check it out.