I was having a conversation with my attorney the other day regarding cinema (specifically violent cinema) which left me slightly perplexed. Would you put A Clockwork Orange (1971) in the same bin as The Devil’s Rejects (2005)? From my POV, that’s like putting Rosenquist’s F-111 in the same category with an ambulance chaser a personal injury lawyer billboard.

Side-note: the linked Roger Ebert review of Kubrick’s A Clockwork Orange amuses me as I would have guessed that of all people, the co-author of the screenplay of Beyond the Valley of the Dolls, he would have at minimum understood if not outright championed Kubrick’s 1971 release. The other amusing thing about his review is that I would have written a very similar critique instead for movies like, say, The Devil’s Rejects!

Photo: Stanley Kubrick, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.