Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord

Season 1 Finale. Thoughts?

Edit: Also I’m declaring spoilers for all Star Wars content below. Ahsoka, Rebels, Clone Wars, Mando, etc.

    1 year ago

    I’m just constantly disappointed by how much these shows choose style over substance. It’s like the writers picked a bunch of cool looking concept art and then left it to the intern to tie all the scenes together.

    How does everyone know the map will lead to Thrawn?

    Why does Thrawn send Baylan and Shin, probably his most valuable assets for fighting Jedi, into the wilderness with no plan to coordinate or communicate with them?

    Why do the protagonists spend so much time shepherding the turtle people and then just abandon them?

    Why doesn’t Thrawn send another pass of tie fighters to make sure the protagonists ship is fully disabled?

    Why is it a ship equipped for orbital bombardment can’t do shit to running right underneath it?

    Why weren’t the fucking doors closed?

    Why did they only have two stormtroopers guarding the main entrance to their ship?

    It’s just the laziest writing I’ve seen so far in one of these shows. A show doesn’t need to explain everything to you, but it’s tough to be invested in a story where there are no consistent rules and the characters actions often don’t make sense.