Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord

Season 1 Finale. Thoughts?

Edit: Also I’m declaring spoilers for all Star Wars content below. Ahsoka, Rebels, Clone Wars, Mando, etc.

    1 year ago

    They need to bring in the sword fight choreographer from the prequels. I’m not impressed with Dawsons lightsaber handling or really anyone besides Balans, but probably cause his was pretty simple. We are getting season 2 and a movie for thrawn. Season 2 was written before the strikes.

    I wasn’t super happy about the ending. Balan got robbed of any story, weird episode lengths, and fucking cliffhanger for 2-5 years. (I don’t mind a cliffhanger if it’s gonna be a year).

    Honestly just give us 10 episodes of hour each. Waited a long time for this show and feel pretty meh about it. Story overall was ok, but even the other galaxy was like eh ok here’s a planet with Father and Son missing the daughter and Moraai. I’m being cynicle cause I expected more.

    And! I’ll add! Stop with this introducing a character, give us a big build up of them and then don’t do anything. This happened with Cary Fisher in the sequels bringing her back and now Ray Stevens, and others who get introduced and then nothing but tidbits. Just fucking finish a story arc of a character. No one’s story was resolved this season besides Ezra and Thrawn and even then it was hey we found him now he’s home. The entire Hera trial was a waste, Jacen hearing the force did nothing besides confirm what we all already knew, Shin having 0 backstory and then told to fuck off. Like just finish a fucking story if you know the next season or movie is 2-3 years out.

    Again sorry for the rant, just passionate about Ashoka and Filoni story telling and feeling like Disney is just playing with it.