
Please forgive the instance name, i joined to find a place that wouldn’t allow “debate me” anti-lgbt comments

Now that is out of the way here is my tl|dr

  • Someone posts asking if they should tip
  • I explain that if they don’t people will treat them badly from a cultural point of view.
  • Commenters prove my rudeness claim correct by saying ad hominem to me and name calling me.
  • People act like i am the awful capitalist owner class because i gently said not to support bad behavior from other people when i already paid for service and the taxes.

My beliefs:

  • in a capitalist society, workers should be paid by the business owner a livable wage.
  • I want the elimination of an unequal monetary system that oppresses everybody but the ruling class and want qn egalitarian society.

I repeat my post title.

Thanks for reading. i hope you understand