Didn’t get it until July this year. The kids brought it through the house in 2021, by some miracle of vaccination the wife and I didn’t catch it then. Then the wife brought it home. Was pretty mild for both of us. We’ve kept our boosters up and we’re in Australia so it didn’t go nuts here until omicron
You mean there weren’t a bunch of insane morons running around screaming that N95 masks are basically the same as concentration camps and eating livestock de-wormer by the handful? That must be nice.
Didn’t get it until July this year. The kids brought it through the house in 2021, by some miracle of vaccination the wife and I didn’t catch it then. Then the wife brought it home. Was pretty mild for both of us. We’ve kept our boosters up and we’re in Australia so it didn’t go nuts here until omicron
You mean there weren’t a bunch of insane morons running around screaming that N95 masks are basically the same as concentration camps and eating livestock de-wormer by the handful? That must be nice.