• DarthBueller@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Thank you for your perspective. EDIT: My understanding of what went down during Morsi’s tenure in office is different than yours. Incidents of violence against Shia and Copts went way up, for example. Morsi also did his best to install Islamic Brotherhood cronies at all levels of government. When the overwhelming majority of folks live in the city, it’s hard to call the minority of rural dwellers that want to impose Islamic rule on people the good guys. I guess I am coming at it from a utilitarian perspective - which type of undesirable government causes the least harm? By no means is authoritarianism desirable, though, I agree with you fully in terms of ideals. EDIT2: I agree that the brutality of authoritarian governments in China, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt are absofuckinglutely terrible.