I noticed a lot of hate for it. Also I think it’s stupid when people say women have a choice to stay home or work.

No they don’t. Most men today don’t want a woman to stay home. So we only have one choice and that is to work.

  • Foxygen@partizle.com
    1 year ago

    Traditional gender roles aren’t even that traditional. It wasn’t until after the second world war that some western families (still only some) could afford to raise a family on one income. In the 1920s, women, children, and men all worked. And we’re getting back to that now.

    So, it does seem like a fair question to ask. If everyone in the family (at least all adults) are fully employed, is it fair that only one of them does the cooking and cleaning? Probably not.

    Having said that, most relationships are probably already a lot more equitable than you’d be lead to believe. Husbands and wives do roughly equal amounts of work.

  • auckify@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    The West is against traditional roles, probably because of feminists. In Asia, people are not against traditional roles.

  • Masterofballs@exploding-heads.com
    1 year ago

    I think generally it is more difficult to achieve a stable traditional family. Because the man has to make a lot more money. Like more than twice the average. Most men can’t do it. Most women cannot get a man who can do it. So everyone who knows they will never have a traditional family will get angry at the thought because they can’t have it. There is probably more to it than that but it’s all tangential.

  • Wigglehard@exploding-heads.comM
    1 year ago

    If a woman stays home or goes to work, it really doesn’t matter to me, as long as we can pay the bills., save up for a home and retirement, and raise our kids to be good people. Any woman can go out and get fucked by some dude with a huge dick and any guy can find some girl to suck his dick dry, true love is much more meaningful than that. While physical attraction certainly is a factor, to truly love your spouse. In my opinion, you must truly love God first. Understanding God‘s plan for marriage is key in my opinion. The husband is to love his wife with all his heart, and see her more valuable than anything on earth. He honors and cherishes her above all things, and protects her from anything that might cause her harm. She is tender and kind to his wife as well as patient and not self seeking, but rather lives to serve her. On the other side of things the wife should submit to her husband and show him respect.

    Men often treat their women like concubines expecting sex on demand and never committing to marriage. Men are responsible for this break down of how things are supposed to be. Women are to be held blameless because no matter what you (the man) were the ones that should’ve held themselves to a higher standard in how they treat women. I believe it is improper to have sex before marriage although I hold people blameless for doing it because I understand the burning desire. However, if done correctly, a man with principle will not have sex with the woman before marriage. He will get to know her first and judge whether it is appropriate to pursue marriage with that woman based on their value systems and how their personalities lineup. If everything checks out a man should not waste time, he should propose. But I also believe that a man should have his personal life in order before getting married, meaning some source of sustainable income and a mind that is mature. If all is well, the man will not waste time in making his intentions, known on having a wonderful life with you. I’m traditional Christian marriage, is like a gold dipped rose in a bouquet of flowers… while the other marriages and relationships, get old, wither away and die, a Christian marriage should be a beautiful thing that shines forever and never Withers or dies.

  • Owner_of_donky@donky.social
    1 year ago

    It is only the “west”. Not even the whole west. Only the “left” part of the west. You won’t see the same stuff almost anywhere from Poland going east.