Finally seriously looking at #Obsidian Sync.

Where should I store my vault on my #Mac? I feel so lost! For years × ∞ I’ve put everything in Dropbox or iCloud, but that, I hear, is a recipe for sync troubles.

* looks at computer as if for the first time, confused expression on previously confident face *

Why is my Documents folder greyed out? Where am I? *Who* am I ?? Help me, obi-@obsidianmd, you’re my only hope!

    1 year ago

    @ellane @obsidianmd Oh this confirms then. Hmm I need to research more. Not working always as expected doesn’t give us confidence, right?

    The suggestion that someone gave in your thread about syncthing… I read that mentioned somewhere else before too if I remember correctly. I think I will try this solution sometime, since it seemed well recommended.