Hoping to make this a discussion/brainstorming thread.

I hit level 20 and noticed that I had accumulated a healthy supply of random crafting items, so I decided to go into manufacturing. I set up my initial base on Sirius 3-B, and started expanding to other moons throughout the system, but I’m not sure what I should be manufacturing.

I’ve invested pretty heavily into my weapon and spacesuit design skills, but I’ve only got two points into outpost construction; I can set up simple and commercial fabricator/extractors, but I’m not sure what I’ll need down the line. Any advice or suggestions from veteran Outpost builders?

  • Redditiscancer789@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    For my first playthrough I made a chunk of change making/selling adaptive frames. They’re made from iron and aluminum which are very abundant. Outside resource gathering via herbing or mining, the only point of them is as a home for you to decorate and store excess crew/loot. You can setup crafting stations but every station minus a herb farm you can setup for an outpost, you can buy to put in your ship. For me that makes them less useful as I just use my ship as my home and only visit outposts to gather up mined resources to craft into goods to sell or upgrades. In my initial 70 hour playthrough I even setup defenses and made sure the crew stationed there had bitching weapons but was never attacked to my knowledge.