Just the other day I was telling my son that instead of Ant Man, it should’ve been Mant.
M’ant tips fedora
It’s actually spelled Maunt
Surely it would be Small Ant or Smant
We are all men. He is a “rat”-man, I am a “hu”-man.
to him, he is a hu-rat, and you are a man-rat.
So what does he want to be called? Just a rat? But - there are actual rats, which are already called rats. Unless those don’t exist in this universe, “ratman” seems like a pretty reasonable term. He has both rat and humanoid features.
Serious answer? He’d be called a Rat-Man in the language of humans, and an original word in his own language
Yeah. Him calling the man “man-rat” makes no sense though. For it to make sense, there would have to be something even more human and more distant from rats, so that he could be viewed as half rat.
The rat…person would call themselves a word in their language that would translate to man language as “hu-rat”. the man would thus be a man-rat.
Maybe in that world there are tiny humans that crawl in their walls and steal their food.
Yeah but they’re called pixies/fairies/gnomes/whatever
What do they bait their man-traps with - scratch lotto tickets?
Yes yes that’s it
Batman Superman Spiderman Ant-Man Wonderwo-Man
And Batmanman - a man that dresses to look like Batman.
It’s a false equivalency on the Ratman’s part. There exist rats. There exist men. He’s a cross somewhere between, where the man is just a man. I mean, provided there isn’t some kind of miniature, unintelligent human analog in this world.
There are abd they eat the cheese made the ratmen.
Link to source, for fellow sauce enjoyers
I’m sure than in his ratman language he would call humans whatever passes for manrats and there would be nothing wrong with it.
Man-thing shuts up-up and hands over the warpstone now, yes-yes.
Why the demon foot?
The daemon is not his foot (badly drawn, so it looks like that?). They are “buddies” and travel together.
I know many hu-mans that act worse than rats
We could just rename humans to slutfolk. They’ll bed anything, which is why there’s half elves, half orcs, dragonkin, …
And ofc humans are called “man man”. That’s what homo sapien roughly translates to.