Anytime a company reduces the functionality of a device through software or firmware they should have to offer to buy back the hardware. The depreciation rate should be set at time of purchase so you know how much you get if they neuter it a year from now.
Why allow depreciation? You wouldn’t have bought it with the reduced functionality, and it’s going to cost you time and effort to remove it and replace it with something else. Inflation will reduce the value more than enough. 2028!
Yeah, but that means they don’t get your money anymore! Think of the
Simple fix here, stop buying the companies that do this. I bought a brother printer and I won’t go back.
This was in the related articles:
And I believe them. The reddit post in Rossman’s video was 3 years old. I have personally installed and updated 5 Brother printers in the last year and they all still run on 3rd-party toner.
I do think it’s pretty ridiculous that rossman of all people would not verify any of this before making a video about it. At least reach out to the company and ask them for a comment.
Thanks for added context!
That sucks, I bought mine a few years ago and haven’t had any issues yet. 🤞
I bought a 15 year old second-hand Brother laser printer - works like a charm, operates under both Windows and Linux, still has all the spare parts you can think of readily available, and you can just load any toner into the official cartridge to use it again, and again, and again.
Love it. Simple, dirt cheap, just works and does it well.
I must buy a printer soon. Thank you for reminding me to avoid HP products.
brother laser printer
Are “brother” the nice guys at the moment?
relatively speaking
This is the way. My brother printer is a hl2040, came out sometime in the early 2000s. It still prints. I’ve replaced the toner cartridge once since my Dad gave it to me back in 2016.
The other day I needed to print something out and this was after I had reinstalled linux.
Just fired right up, instantly recognized. Its one of the best pieces of hardware I own.
Laser printer and probably brother, it’s worth the extra up front cost 10 fold
For an old color Dell Laser printer I got from a thrift store years ago I can find 4 color sets of toner for it for $40-60
brother is currently enshittifying right now.
Brother. The end.
My current bother printer is a pile of shit.
Which printer and why? I just bought three L8690CDW Colour laser printers for me and my family after calling Brother who were happy to talk me thought my concerns, they informed me that this model does not have chipped cartridges so it’s ineligible for their cartridge subscription program and they also can’t tell if the cartridge is genuine or not. They don’t care if you use 3rd party toner.
No idea. Some model I bought off Amazon.
The printer headers are constantly moving out of alignment. Every time I print I need to realign the headers.
Probably has something to do with the printer starting up every few days and making a bunch of noise doing who knows what.
I hate this fucking printer and will never buy brother again.
Edit: according to my order history it’s the ink jet MFC-J4335DW.
I realize that lasers are better from a printing consistency standpoint but the issue I have with it isn’t the ink. It’s everything else. Shitty design. It breaks down because it was poorly designed.
If you want reliability brother ain’t it.
That noise is the heads being cleaned, which needs to happen on all inkjet printers. It may be that your one was simply broken. I bet if you call Brother and ask for some advice they will help you.
I would. But a little research shows this is a very common problem with this model.
Even if I get it replaced it will eventually happen again.
Poor design.
After all of these years these people still can’t get it right. Fool me once.
Edit: it’s clear to me now that its “self cleaning” feature is responsible for why the heads get forced out of position. Wtf.
Still in warranty or less than 3 years old? I saw the Reddit post on this issue, might still be worth asking, they may have developed a hardware of software fix, and if not they may allow you to switch model.
Spill the beans, so others can avoid it.
Or they could like… just not be dicks and supply firmware updates without the lock-in, instead of having to trade off security to use your device however you want.
Oh BROTHER, not this again.
On a more serious note, I’ve been all about brother printers for a few years now and couldn’t be happier.
My current brother printer is a pile of shit.
Unfortunately brother seems to be doing it now too. Don’t let your old Brother printers update.
meantime turns out was misunderstanding/bullshit. I mean even the video title was changed. maybe reroute your rage energies elsewhere
Called brother about this and talked through the issues raised by Rossmann, they convinced me enough to buy 3 printers from them this month.
I’ve been rockin my HL3170CDW for many years now. I have absolutely no issues with this printer, and I’ll buy nothing else.
They apparently restricted 3rd party ink now too.
You got a source? Everyone else says it was debunked.
Oh didn’t hear it was debunked. Cool to know!
As someone who’s worked on printer firmware before, it makes me really sad that a company can get away with making a consumer decide between getting access to any of the actually useful changes that engineers — who have no say over ink cartridge policy — put effort towards making the best product they could, or not having said ink cartridge policies forced on them.
Sometimes I wonder why there’s no DIY Paper printer after seeing so…much shit in Printer Company ?
We had advance DIY 3D Printer that can made various objects with various size and materials and yet there’s no DIY Paper printer until nowImpressive…sadly it produce low quality print, but it’s good to see somebody actually made DIY Paper printer
It’s not really surprising. The demand for printers has fallen off a cliff due to wide acceptance of digital alternatives. People barely need printers now and as such aren’t willing to pay much for them.
This is further exacerbated by the reality that a printer is actually a fairly high precision device and expensive to manufacture.
So you have an expensive to manufacture device that consumers aren’t willing to pay much for. So what happens? They adopt a consumable based business with the printers being locked down to force you to buy their overpriced, high margin consumables that have a low absolute price so consumers don’t think about it much.
Let’s say that we regulate away this lock in. What will happen? Well the price of printers would have to climb to match their actual cost to manufacture. That price would likely turn off consumers from buying them at all. The end result would be the end of the printer business altogether. Maybe not a bad thing as not printing at all is likely a better ecological outcome.
“Settles” lol the lawyers got their payout
I’ve never interpreted settling to imply lawyers don’t get paid.
Lawyers get paid either way, but that’s about the most that comes of it. Settling means no legal precedent has been set, so businesses can pull this bullshit again in the future
Bullshittery aside, “HP Inc.” Instead of just “HP” Is on the nose and has to be deliberate on the journalists behalf
The actual reason is because in 2015 “Hewlett Packard” split into two companies, one called HP, Inc, and one called HP Enterprise. The print and consumer PC business went to HPI, while the server and network hardware went to HPE. So, writing just “HP” could be interpreted as ambiguous.
Even better, the whole HP printer is optional.
Well, here’s the story: The old HP MuFu finally caved in, so dad was going to the local multimedia retailer. I told him to get a Brother Ecotank, since i have to support it. But the store only had HP MuFu, so he got a HP MuFu that is even worse than the old one, despite being a laser printer instead of an inkjet. And the f*cking toner cost a whole 140€.
I have an epson eco tank. No more ink cartridges.
Ink jets are trash tho
Laser or nothing.
You’re probably right, but I’m just printing random documents on occasion.
Right but that’s all the more reason that ink jets are trash.
The ink heads dry out. The ink cartridges also dry out. So if you’re not using the printer a lot then those things tend to dry out forcing you to swap them, otherwise when you print there will be areas where the ink didn’t apply all the way. If you don’t have these problems you will eventually.
Lasers do not have this problem. You could print once every 5 years and each time the print will be perfect without any problems. You’ll only need to change the toner cartridge once it is completely used up. It won’t dry out on you making you prematurely replace it.
Ink jets are cheap but you get exactly what you pay for.
I don’t have cartridges and I’ve had no issue with the ink heads in the years I’ve had the printer.
What about printing head replacement?
From my experience, those last years. But they are indeed a bit expensive… I have had my eco tank for the last 5 years, only had to replace the b/w printer head after around 4 thousand prints, and I’m almost sure it was my own fault for using expired low-quality ink that I had bought in bulk for super cheap.
That is a good number
HP is like, “enjoy the security vulnerabilities”
laughs in CUPS server
did the cups vulnerability get fixed?
IDK, I don’t expose that shit to the internet.
Still not interested in a fucking printer.