The disturbing thing is that about 18% of Canadian Conservatives would support annexation. That’s almost 1 in 5. Most of us know five Conservatives, so chances are you know someone who is essentially a traitor. I think Conservative supporters need to be aware that this is the company they keep.
“Traitor,” okay. Canada may technically be a monarchy, but we don’t believe the monarch rules by divine right or something. They rule by appointment by Parliament. Parliament does not own us. Just because a person is born within Canada’s dominion does not place on them any moral or ethical obligation to support that state. How can someone who is not sworn to protect the state ever be a traitor?
Why don’t you go ask the Nazi sympathisers we executed for treason after the war about that?
If a state permits its citizens to betray the country in favour of an adversary in the event of a war, it’s incapable of protecting itself. The most important task of any society is to keep its members safe. A crucial aspect of that is accepting the social contract that everyone on the society will help keep each other safe, even in the event that an outside adversary invades and threatens to kill you. If you break that social contract- guess what? The rest of society will typically (at least historically) brand you as a traitor and imprison or execute you. Why? Because you’ve shown that you’re willing to put their head on the block for your own benefit, so they see you as a threat (perhaps the worst thinkable threat) to the security their society provides, and decide to remove that threat to protect themselves.
No matter what oath you have or haven’t taken, societies obligation to keep you safe only extends as far as your willingness to protect the society. This is why treason, in most societies, is seen as one of the worst, if not the worst, crime you can commit. It’s literally stabbing strangers that are willing to die for you and your family in the back.
Sounds like a conservative that’s getting scared that thier views are becoming legitimately dangerous to have. To that I say: Good. We’ve been tolerating conservative rot for too long and letting the cookers slide too far to the right. It’s about time they start fearing for their lives the same way they make minorities fear for theirs. String up the traitors who want to negotiate with someone threatening to invade you.
Do you think the grandchildren of nazi resistors think their ancestor’s treasonous resistance was “the worst crime you can commit”?
We’re not at war. There is no fucking treason happening, except potentially by compromised politicians and bureaucrats. People who would like to see Alberta or Quebec secede (regardless of which side of those borders they live on) and people who would like to amalgamate with the USA are not committing fucking treason. This is all so ignorantly hyperbolic, and it’s dangerous.
At this rate I would support the US being annexed by China. Don’t get me wrong, I much rather live in the EU, but the US’s two party system is so unbelievably incompetent and broken that even being governed by China would be an improvement over our current genocidal fascist oligarchy
(I don’t actually want to be annexed by China, I want the US to adopt an actual democracy and to actually do things to help people instead of infinite money for genocide)
People in China accept having Xi as a dictator for life because they feel like a strong man is needed to run the economy and protect them from evil foreigners. Also he keeps the billionaires in China wealthy by oppressing the workers, so they support him.
Does any of this sound familiar? The US is already becoming China, no annexation needed.
I’ve started telling people with those views in real life to becareful, they may get treated the same way collaborators were treated in the Nazi occupied areas of Europe post war. I find it changes their demeanor pretty quickly without actually being a threat.
(I also want it to feel like a threat because it is.)
It’s not a threat, it’s the reality of how these things go. With most of our WW2 veterans dead, most people have neither connection to, nor appreciation of, what happens during a military occupation. They think it’s a fucking joke. It most certainly isn’t. The moment hostilities become inevitable, all of the people who thought it was funny to “own the libs” by publicly supporting annexation will find they are easy, identifiable targets for righteous anger, and they should best get out before they’re put out. Note that the government will not have time for controlled and legally respectful deportation, and it will be aggrieved patriots who decide their fate. Crowds of angry, scared people are not gentle, and they tend to be creative in the most horrible ways.
After hostilities end, no matter how they end, these people will still not feel any comfort. If they end up on the wrong side of history, as they usually do as traitors in an occupation, their fate is grim indeed.
The bottom line is they really should reexamine their loyalties carefully and if they choose to retain treasonous loyalties they should strongly consider leaving Canada. Not sure why they would want to stay anyway, when they clearly do not offer nor deserve the respect of their fellow Canadians.
It’s not a threat, it’s the reality of how these things go.
Be careful, the government might disagree. If you called a politician or CEO and told them to be careful or the public may give them the Luigi treatment or 1789 French treatment then you would most likely be arrested for threatening violence.
That 18% number is based on polls that may be kinda susp, but even if it were true a lot of what I’ve heard from the dumbass gallery has been:
“Cool, then our dollar would finally be equal to USD”
“It’ll be easier to get flights to the US and Disneyland”
“Then we can vote in a proper government they’re and fix things”
I doubt the appetite for such goes much past a lack of critical thinking into what the realities would be
This may be so but as we’ve seen in other contexts - e.g., Brexit and the last US election - these are exactly the people that can do incredible damage that can last generations.
The one in five conservatives who want to be annexed by America know its the only way they can get American citizenship since they are probably low education and low skilled labour that America doesn’t even want. Otherwise they would just move to America.
The grass isn’t greener over here. It’s pay to play in a bucket full of crabs.
Also understand the psychological games being played. All this shit is psychological marketing social manipulation. You need a strong grasp understanding… I couldn’t even say what specifically but… But it’s almost impossible to get sucked into it even if you understand it.
It’s like just talking about the drama they are presenting is to already be failing at fighting it. But the paradox is you still have to fight it… Somehow.
I own multiple firearms - including handguns, shotguns, 30 cals, even a C7 - and I don’t agree with the approach the Liberals have on gun laws currently. I hope they change their approach given the current context.
But I also know that in Canada owning guns is a privilege not a right, and the government can choose to limit that privilege, as governments have done in many other countries. In Canada you simply cannot use self defense as a reason to own a gun.
I will not vote against all of my interests, on every other issue, and against the sovereignty of my country, because I want to own all of my guns. If you want to defend your country, join the police or the military. You can join the reserves part time. If you don’t want to do it now, don’t worry…you will have the option to do so if it comes to hostilities, you will get training and you will get guns.
I’m skeptical that you were ever going to do anything differently, whether or not Donald Trump had changed the calculus. I suspect you were always a single issue voter on this. So I doubt what I say will make a difference, but at least you might be able to appreciate why someone might not want to support the Conservatives despite the fact that they own guns and despite the fact that they understand why you might feel safer with your guns.
The reality is if there are truly hostilities, nothing will be the same and no one will be safe. I will not hand my country over to a party that I don’t trust to protect the country’s sovereignty based on gun laws that won’t mean shit anyway if that sovereignty is violated.
Edit to add one other point: Frankly if 1 in 5 Conservatives are traitors to the country, the fact that they own guns is just as much a danger to me as a potential American invasion, maybe more so because they are not a potential threat but a real one. Maybe the party that claims to support the country, its sovereignty and its well-being should weed those elements out before they start pushing to arm everyone.
One guy with a gun isn’t going to accomplish anything in a resistance. Rambo is just a movie, it’s not real.
A civil defense corps is needed, not a bunch of angry and paranoid individuals with a gun collection that spend all day posting their grievances against the government on the internet.
You will vote for the annexation of your and my country over a fucking gun hobby? Do you understand how ridiculous that is?
Hi yes I like to draw but art supplies are an issue with this government. I will vote for the loss of millions of people’s rights and lives so it’s more convenient for me to draw. Who raises you morons?
Oh please fuck right off with this apologist bullshit.
I don’t care what people think, and it wouldn’t matter if I did, as long as they keep their treasonous sympathies in their own head.
The moment they voice it or act on it, then it becomes expression. And freedom of expression does not extend to treasonous or seditious speech or action, as it’s defined in the criminal code.
And anyway, where freedom of expression applies, it only protects against government suppression or legal repercussions. It has nothing to say about me making their lives miserable and making sure everyone knows they’re treasonous Yank sympathizers and just generally untrustworthy pieces of shit. And these people know that which is why they rarely make their views known publicly.
Well that, and they know that if they out themselves they’ll be the first up against the wall if shit gets ugly.
It isn’t really that many. Conservative supporters have a high of about 40%, but not all of those will say they vote Conservative if asked (some change their vote from time to time and may describe themselves as undecided). But we will go with that as an upper limit. So 18% of 40% is about 7.2% of the population, so less than 1 in 11. That’s still way too many, but a manageable number if it comes down to it.
The problem is that there is a not-insignificant number of people that want the US to annex Canada.
In the US, about 15% of Trump voters would support annexation of Canada, even if Canada didn’t want it. That’s about 1 in 7.
The disturbing thing is that about 18% of Canadian Conservatives would support annexation. That’s almost 1 in 5. Most of us know five Conservatives, so chances are you know someone who is essentially a traitor. I think Conservative supporters need to be aware that this is the company they keep.
“Traitor,” okay. Canada may technically be a monarchy, but we don’t believe the monarch rules by divine right or something. They rule by appointment by Parliament. Parliament does not own us. Just because a person is born within Canada’s dominion does not place on them any moral or ethical obligation to support that state. How can someone who is not sworn to protect the state ever be a traitor?
Why don’t you go ask the Nazi sympathisers we executed for treason after the war about that?
If a state permits its citizens to betray the country in favour of an adversary in the event of a war, it’s incapable of protecting itself. The most important task of any society is to keep its members safe. A crucial aspect of that is accepting the social contract that everyone on the society will help keep each other safe, even in the event that an outside adversary invades and threatens to kill you. If you break that social contract- guess what? The rest of society will typically (at least historically) brand you as a traitor and imprison or execute you. Why? Because you’ve shown that you’re willing to put their head on the block for your own benefit, so they see you as a threat (perhaps the worst thinkable threat) to the security their society provides, and decide to remove that threat to protect themselves.
No matter what oath you have or haven’t taken, societies obligation to keep you safe only extends as far as your willingness to protect the society. This is why treason, in most societies, is seen as one of the worst, if not the worst, crime you can commit. It’s literally stabbing strangers that are willing to die for you and your family in the back.
Sounds like a conservative that’s getting scared that thier views are becoming legitimately dangerous to have. To that I say: Good. We’ve been tolerating conservative rot for too long and letting the cookers slide too far to the right. It’s about time they start fearing for their lives the same way they make minorities fear for theirs. String up the traitors who want to negotiate with someone threatening to invade you.
Do you think the grandchildren of nazi resistors think their ancestor’s treasonous resistance was “the worst crime you can commit”?
We’re not at war. There is no fucking treason happening, except potentially by compromised politicians and bureaucrats. People who would like to see Alberta or Quebec secede (regardless of which side of those borders they live on) and people who would like to amalgamate with the USA are not committing fucking treason. This is all so ignorantly hyperbolic, and it’s dangerous.
Probably more Americans support being annexed by Canada than annexing Canada.
At this rate I would support the US being annexed by China. Don’t get me wrong, I much rather live in the EU, but the US’s two party system is so unbelievably incompetent and broken that even being governed by China would be an improvement over our current genocidal fascist oligarchy (I don’t actually want to be annexed by China, I want the US to adopt an actual democracy and to actually do things to help people instead of infinite money for genocide)
People in China accept having Xi as a dictator for life because they feel like a strong man is needed to run the economy and protect them from evil foreigners. Also he keeps the billionaires in China wealthy by oppressing the workers, so they support him.
Does any of this sound familiar? The US is already becoming China, no annexation needed.
I mean, yeah I’d love it, but at the same time I wouldn’t want Canada to take on that kind of embarrassment and that much of a workload.
I’ve started telling people with those views in real life to becareful, they may get treated the same way collaborators were treated in the Nazi occupied areas of Europe post war. I find it changes their demeanor pretty quickly without actually being a threat.
(I also want it to feel like a threat because it is.)
deleted by creator
It’s not a threat, it’s the reality of how these things go. With most of our WW2 veterans dead, most people have neither connection to, nor appreciation of, what happens during a military occupation. They think it’s a fucking joke. It most certainly isn’t. The moment hostilities become inevitable, all of the people who thought it was funny to “own the libs” by publicly supporting annexation will find they are easy, identifiable targets for righteous anger, and they should best get out before they’re put out. Note that the government will not have time for controlled and legally respectful deportation, and it will be aggrieved patriots who decide their fate. Crowds of angry, scared people are not gentle, and they tend to be creative in the most horrible ways.
After hostilities end, no matter how they end, these people will still not feel any comfort. If they end up on the wrong side of history, as they usually do as traitors in an occupation, their fate is grim indeed.
The bottom line is they really should reexamine their loyalties carefully and if they choose to retain treasonous loyalties they should strongly consider leaving Canada. Not sure why they would want to stay anyway, when they clearly do not offer nor deserve the respect of their fellow Canadians.
Be careful, the government might disagree. If you called a politician or CEO and told them to be careful or the public may give them the Luigi treatment or 1789 French treatment then you would most likely be arrested for threatening violence.
100% agree.
That 18% number is based on polls that may be kinda susp, but even if it were true a lot of what I’ve heard from the dumbass gallery has been:
“Cool, then our dollar would finally be equal to USD” and “It’ll be easier to get flights to the US and Disneyland” or “Then we can vote in a proper government they’re and fix things”
I doubt the appetite for such goes much past a lack of critical thinking into what the realities would be
This may be so but as we’ve seen in other contexts - e.g., Brexit and the last US election - these are exactly the people that can do incredible damage that can last generations.
Absolutely. I’d also hazard that a certain portion of these “ideas” actually come from agents working social media etc to promote them .
They’re not just throwing out “DEI bad” but also “and wouldn’t you like…”
Hi, American here.
A lot of us have been saying that for about a decade and been wrong at about every turn.
deleted by creator
The Vancouver Sun is owned by postmedia… so take whatever they,say with a grain of salt.
Yeah I hear you 100%. At this point any of the Postmedia outlets should be considered American propaganda, and they cannot be trusted.
However in this case the survey was from Angus Reid I believe. You can find the results elsewhere.
The one in five conservatives who want to be annexed by America know its the only way they can get American citizenship since they are probably low education and low skilled labour that America doesn’t even want. Otherwise they would just move to America.
The grass isn’t greener over here. It’s pay to play in a bucket full of crabs.
Also understand the psychological games being played. All this shit is psychological marketing social manipulation. You need a strong grasp understanding… I couldn’t even say what specifically but… But it’s almost impossible to get sucked into it even if you understand it.
It’s like just talking about the drama they are presenting is to already be failing at fighting it. But the paradox is you still have to fight it… Somehow.
deleted by creator
I own multiple firearms - including handguns, shotguns, 30 cals, even a C7 - and I don’t agree with the approach the Liberals have on gun laws currently. I hope they change their approach given the current context.
But I also know that in Canada owning guns is a privilege not a right, and the government can choose to limit that privilege, as governments have done in many other countries. In Canada you simply cannot use self defense as a reason to own a gun.
I will not vote against all of my interests, on every other issue, and against the sovereignty of my country, because I want to own all of my guns. If you want to defend your country, join the police or the military. You can join the reserves part time. If you don’t want to do it now, don’t worry…you will have the option to do so if it comes to hostilities, you will get training and you will get guns.
I’m skeptical that you were ever going to do anything differently, whether or not Donald Trump had changed the calculus. I suspect you were always a single issue voter on this. So I doubt what I say will make a difference, but at least you might be able to appreciate why someone might not want to support the Conservatives despite the fact that they own guns and despite the fact that they understand why you might feel safer with your guns.
The reality is if there are truly hostilities, nothing will be the same and no one will be safe. I will not hand my country over to a party that I don’t trust to protect the country’s sovereignty based on gun laws that won’t mean shit anyway if that sovereignty is violated.
Edit to add one other point: Frankly if 1 in 5 Conservatives are traitors to the country, the fact that they own guns is just as much a danger to me as a potential American invasion, maybe more so because they are not a potential threat but a real one. Maybe the party that claims to support the country, its sovereignty and its well-being should weed those elements out before they start pushing to arm everyone.
One guy with a gun isn’t going to accomplish anything in a resistance. Rambo is just a movie, it’s not real.
A civil defense corps is needed, not a bunch of angry and paranoid individuals with a gun collection that spend all day posting their grievances against the government on the internet.
You will vote for the annexation of your and my country over a fucking gun hobby? Do you understand how ridiculous that is?
Hi yes I like to draw but art supplies are an issue with this government. I will vote for the loss of millions of people’s rights and lives so it’s more convenient for me to draw. Who raises you morons?
This is just the reality of living in a free-thinking world.
Oh please fuck right off with this apologist bullshit.
I don’t care what people think, and it wouldn’t matter if I did, as long as they keep their treasonous sympathies in their own head.
The moment they voice it or act on it, then it becomes expression. And freedom of expression does not extend to treasonous or seditious speech or action, as it’s defined in the criminal code.
And anyway, where freedom of expression applies, it only protects against government suppression or legal repercussions. It has nothing to say about me making their lives miserable and making sure everyone knows they’re treasonous Yank sympathizers and just generally untrustworthy pieces of shit. And these people know that which is why they rarely make their views known publicly.
Well that, and they know that if they out themselves they’ll be the first up against the wall if shit gets ugly.
Horrible thought that so much of the population is that fucking stupid
It isn’t really that many. Conservative supporters have a high of about 40%, but not all of those will say they vote Conservative if asked (some change their vote from time to time and may describe themselves as undecided). But we will go with that as an upper limit. So 18% of 40% is about 7.2% of the population, so less than 1 in 11. That’s still way too many, but a manageable number if it comes down to it.
I don’t think you’re being open minded enough. Sounds like your head needs some ventilation