• conicalscientist@lemmy.world
    3 days ago

    The old meme was to “hide your power level”. Meaning don’t reveal the extent of your right wing beliefs. That has reversed in the past 10 years.

    You don’t even have to question how it used to be. People were out in the open before too. Another popular meme was that women belong in the kitchen. The “make me a sammich” meme was a common joke. Programming was only possible to be learned by white men. Never mind that women pioneered the field in the early days. Also anyone of Asian descent in the field were merely cheaters or just proficient at copying.

    They all drank this weird koolaid about how leftist they were (they still do). It’s strange. I think because many guys never left their podunk town. So being exposed to the slightest bit of different things through the internet made them very different from everyone else their christian conservative home town. They supported rather milquetoast things like legalization of pot and carried an affinity for anime. So that meant they were very progressive relative to the god fearing cross burning klan shit happening all around them in real life.