Man, I was really invested in that in like 2016 but in 2018 was the election of Bolsonaro. Some time before, during the election and until now every fucking content creator or community around this hobby became a cesspool of right wing dickheads worshipping this fascist.
As someone from a small town in the pacific northwest, it feels like they always have been. It was just a case of the quiet part not being said out loud or them masking it enough those with lower exposure didn’t see it.
I drive a pickup, grew up hunting and fishing and I’m tall, pretty thick, tattooed all to hell and bearded… the amount of “hell yeah brother” followed by some vial, racist, homo/transphobic shit I have said to me is staggering. The moment of pushback has become a high for me. I’m almost baiting them from a conversation about tree stands and elk piss formulas into some fucked statement about trans athlete’s just too feel something.
That said, it isn’t all of us so I don’t want to gate keep survivalism and general outdoorsiness. Always willing to teach a flytie, how to dig a shit hole and the easiest way to catch water with a tarp.
One thing I get a trill from when I receive these kinds of comments is to act like I do not get what the person means so, as an exemple, they need to go from a veiled reference to “darker people” to an outright racist statement. Then, I keep on acting like I don’t understand what they mean, This is often very funny although sad at the same time but having someone trying to explain their racist/*phobic joke while they realize how much they need to expose themselves is pretty fun to me.
Heck yes friend. This is also a fantastic strategy. Likely the same perverse curiosity that makes Clint Eastwoods rants compelling in Gran Turino. Standing there making mental notes about what the hell that means but knowing its foul.
Same boat here (PNW big bearded dude). I actually got handed a 'White Pride’s card last week. Before I had the full beard nobody ever said racists shit to me unless it was accusatory. Now they think I’m on their side.
Doesn’t help that I’m into survivalism, permaculture, and off-grid living. I’m constantly fighting the algorithm that wants to feed me ultra conservative bullshit.
The algorithm is insane for that crap. I’m in a band with a bunch of other 40 something dudes and the shit they get in their feeds is wild. I’m too paranoid to raw dog the Internet or have conventional social media so I miss most of the hateful crap. The screen shots they share in the group chat are wild.
One of the guys owns a roofing business and that’s likely the most toxic feed I’ve seen. Its a miracle he isn’t fully maga-activated.
Man, I was really invested in that in like 2016 but in 2018 was the election of Bolsonaro. Some time before, during the election and until now every fucking content creator or community around this hobby became a cesspool of right wing dickheads worshipping this fascist.
As someone from a small town in the pacific northwest, it feels like they always have been. It was just a case of the quiet part not being said out loud or them masking it enough those with lower exposure didn’t see it.
I drive a pickup, grew up hunting and fishing and I’m tall, pretty thick, tattooed all to hell and bearded… the amount of “hell yeah brother” followed by some vial, racist, homo/transphobic shit I have said to me is staggering. The moment of pushback has become a high for me. I’m almost baiting them from a conversation about tree stands and elk piss formulas into some fucked statement about trans athlete’s just too feel something.
That said, it isn’t all of us so I don’t want to gate keep survivalism and general outdoorsiness. Always willing to teach a flytie, how to dig a shit hole and the easiest way to catch water with a tarp.
One thing I get a trill from when I receive these kinds of comments is to act like I do not get what the person means so, as an exemple, they need to go from a veiled reference to “darker people” to an outright racist statement. Then, I keep on acting like I don’t understand what they mean, This is often very funny although sad at the same time but having someone trying to explain their racist/*phobic joke while they realize how much they need to expose themselves is pretty fun to me.
Heck yes friend. This is also a fantastic strategy. Likely the same perverse curiosity that makes Clint Eastwoods rants compelling in Gran Turino. Standing there making mental notes about what the hell that means but knowing its foul.
Same boat here (PNW big bearded dude). I actually got handed a 'White Pride’s card last week. Before I had the full beard nobody ever said racists shit to me unless it was accusatory. Now they think I’m on their side.
Doesn’t help that I’m into survivalism, permaculture, and off-grid living. I’m constantly fighting the algorithm that wants to feed me ultra conservative bullshit.
The algorithm is insane for that crap. I’m in a band with a bunch of other 40 something dudes and the shit they get in their feeds is wild. I’m too paranoid to raw dog the Internet or have conventional social media so I miss most of the hateful crap. The screen shots they share in the group chat are wild.
One of the guys owns a roofing business and that’s likely the most toxic feed I’ve seen. Its a miracle he isn’t fully maga-activated.