We very much do need their lumber and electricity. Commissioning a new power plant can take a decade, and growing a forest takes even longer.
We’ll build new homes out of our spite and anger. We don’t need no Canadian lumber – some right wing dipshit
New housing made out of racism that has somehow been made tangible
That’s just desecrating the graves of all the black people and Native Americans destroyed by this country to use their bones as building material.
Should see X-ecutive order to that effect in a month or two.
deleted by creator
He’ll just sell our national parks to the lumber companies.
If they touch the redwoods I’m becoming an ecoterrorist.
American living in Canada here. Canada does not give a fucking shit. Canada is already making arrangements to trade elsewhere. I’ve already eliminated most US produce from my store and will not be buying any in the future unless it’s impossible to get elsewhere.
Haha he also can’t spell you’re
If you think that was bad, he’s already out doing it
Steel and aluminum? Too bad his base will thank him for the consequences of his stupidity.
What do you suppose the cars that can easily be made in the USA will be made from with the increased tariffs on the things that compose the automobiles?
plastic? 🤣🤣🤣
The reason the US is protecting Canada is we’d rather shoot down Russian bombers coming over the North Pole over the Canadian arctic rather than over our own territory. He doesn’t understand what he’s doing.
Because he thinks putin is his friend and admires him 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you.
People are so tired of this bullshit that they don’t even read far enough to notice that he can’t spell “add”, either. And rare to see the error in that direction: much more often I see people type “add” when they mean an advertisement.
A surcharge on “electricity” does sound mighty suspicious. Has anybody seen this “electricity” stuff? How do we know it isn’t a scam made up by the lizard people inside the hollow earth to rip off hard-working patriots?
when you can tell he probably typed this himself
He actually has an employee whose sole job is to tweet/etc. what he dictates on command. She follows him everywhere and is not too well liked by his team.
That’s fucking wild. She sounds like a real life version of Jo from Mythic Quest - sociopathic assistant obsessed with their boss.
if this was your grandpa you’d assume he was having a stroke
No, just demented.
Why not both?
That’s not how a stroke victim talks.
Demented rapist says what
Jeezus, I was just scrolling past this and the stupid jumped right out and lowered my IQ.
It’s funny until you realize it’s all noise to hide the corruption
Get it all back?
I’m sure the customers paying that tariff when they buy those goods and services will get a check in the mail refunding them, right? Right?
We don’t your energy, Canada. Polite motherfuckers
you misspelt stable genius