Hello everyone, I’m very new to lemmee and I noticed that the conservative community here is a bit more moderate than the subreddit so I figured I’ll ask ; Are you satisfied with what Trump has been doing since he took office ? If yes, are you okay with everything or are you critical of some of his decisions ? If no, why and what did he do that you have not voted for ? I must inform you that I am not american but like the rest of the world, I am confused by the direction your contry is taking. No judgement or anything, just curious. Thanks to anyone who answers.
A friend of mine asked this on one of his social media pages. This was one of the responses he got:
Yes, we are very happy with what Trump is doing. I am not worried about disdain. Ninety percent of people I know voted for Trump for the same reasons I did. We are $2 trillion in debt with waste fraud and abuse running rampant in our government. Leftists are pushing transgender ism on our teenagers and I know this because I teach in public school and l’m not part of the union but still get publications from them. They are pushing for men to compete in women’s sports. DEl is a complete disaster for what should be obvious… instead of equal opportunity it’s forced equal outcome. The immigration system is a complete mess with millions coming over our border unvetted, while 400,000 children are sex - trafficked and people are killed by fentanyl. In Springfield, Ohio near to where we live, 30,000 Haitian immigrants have taken over a lot of of the city, are driving without drivers licenses, are flooding into the schools that can’t even handle the influx. In many cities, homeless people have totally taken over police departments, sleeping on floors and crime has gone up greatly. The previous president admitted to getting millions from our adversaries around the world and doesn’t even have a defense for it and can’t say what service he provided to get this money… the left censored our speech during the Biden era and lied to us about the vaccine, etc. That administration was the most corrupt in history. We teachers can no longer discipline in schools. I could go on and write chapters on everything!
It made me equal parts sad and infuriated to read that. This person has absorbed so much propaganda, accepted tons of misinformation as fact, and fallen for just about every moral panic currently out there.
I love the concern of debt, but trump is the biggest driver of the recent debt spike haha
And the previous one, too. Holy shit did he press the pedal last time. I can only imagine what he’s doing now.
I’m surprised he didn’t say the immigrants were eating the dogs. What a lunatic.
So that person’s echo chamber are still supporting Trump, which makes it okay for them to do so? I’m starting to think that most trumpers will never be deprogrammed. It would take dismantling their news sources, for one thing. That’s not going to happen.
I’m starting to think that most trumpers will never be deprogrammed.
Like any cult, it’ll collapse after the cult leader dies.
But they’ll just be reprogrammed by another cult leader. There will be Trump copycats for the rest of our lives now. So another cult leader will arise. And conservatives will be waiting with open mouths for that person to shit into.
I hope you’re wrong. The funny thing is that Trump kind of crosses boundaries. He’s rich but so obviously stupid and bumbling that he’s somehow relatable to the working classes, even in England. I guess he doesn’t have the intellectualism/arrogance (noticeable in speech) which a lot of smart and/or wealthy people have. He also enjoys drama and cheap entertainment, which i think the working classes enjoy more than dignified politics.
I don’t think those qualities are very common among those seeking power, luckily, so any successor might really struggle to be as successful, since trump is only riding on charisma, delusions and lies. Plus surely some consequences will have hit by then. Hopefully people will be alert for the threat of another trump for a couple of generations at least. It’s looking like things will get much worse before he’s ejected.
Good news on that front. Have you been following the news about the Murdoch empire and the irrevocable trust Rupert set up?
I read a bit about it days ago but it’s too much to hope that anything good will come of it… Unless there’s more recent news?
Essentially, the last ruling–which will surely be appealed–is that the irrevocable trust is irrevocable. That means that Rupert’s empire, when he dies, will be controlled jointly by all of his children that are part of the trust. And the children that are part of the trust skew strongly left/center left, except for the son that Rupert was trying to transfer all of the control to. So when Murdoch dies, it’s highly likely that Fox will very quickly change course because it’s no longer going to be controlled by someone that’s as conservative as a Nazi.
Good news but he could last for years and I really can’t see Trump allowing it, assuming he’s still dicktatortot
30,000 Haitian immigrants have taken over a lot of of the city, are driving without drivers licenses
I was actually in Springfield a couple summers ago and a takeover is laughable. There are issues of driving without license/insurance and those should be addressed (if they haven’t already been).
I have family living also not far from springfield and have heard none of the other nonsense. Some institutions are stressed because of an influx of people, but they’re also working jobs that needed workers; the origin of those workers would have zero bearing on that.
Not surprised that the reality is stupidly overblown and people claim to believe every word of it.
I’ve done this before. The answers will not heal you or make you understand.
I understand them. It’s why I don’t believe there’s such a thing as a good conservative. Scars from a tumor removal are also what healing can look like.
The media which made them think voting for him would be a good idea is not showing them any of the easy to forsee results that would change their mind.
I didn’t vote for him, but I know many people that did.
You won’t find any responses on Lemmy that aren’t from someone on the far left just regurgitating what they think Trump supporters are thinking or the random far right account that hasn’t managed to be banned from everything on this website yet. Neither one accurately represents the average Trump voter.
If you’re looking for an actual grounded response from a Trump voter you’ll have to find it elsewhere.
regurgitating what they think Trump supporters are thinking
Well I know 2 people who went for Trump because of hate for Trans people in sports. So I think they are happy.
I am a fellow European and as much as this affects us, we have to understand that the average Trump voter will not be affected by decisions on foreign policy in the near future. They do not understand the damage they are doing to America’s soft power structure in the the world or how our dependency on them came at us closing our eyes at their plunders worldwide. It’s about damn time we had a European Army anyway.
I noticed that the conservative community here is a bit more moderate than the subreddit
Oh, yeah, THE conservative community on lemmy.
deleted by creator
Yep! Trump is doing what needs to be done. And it’s awesome to watch.
Man, imagine sucking trumps dick so hard that watching your country collapse is “awesome to watch.” Fucking traitorous filth, you deserve so much of what’s to come. can’t fucking wait.
you deserve so much of what’s to come. can’t fucking wait.
Yeah? What’s coming. Why be so vague. Come on man, let us know…
Yeah? What’s coming.
Your quality of life is going to decline, you silly fuck.
Man, imagine sucking trumps dick so hard that watching your country collapse is “awesome to watch.”
But the country isn’t collapsing. You think it’s going to collapse? What’s your date for this “collapse”?
But the country isn’t collapsing.
Stock marking tanking. All our allegiances being broken. Cost of living increasing. Trade partnerships being destroyed. Abandoning allies. Kowtowing to our greatest adversary’s desires. Disassembly of our federal government. Job losses.
If that isn’t collapse, I’d like to know what your clown concept of collapse looks like.
You honestly can’t be this dumb. You must be a Russian troll.
Ask yourself if it makes sense to ask for a date of collapse. I’ll pretend you’re trying to pull a Ken M because your questions sound very stupid otherwise.
Trump is doing what needs to be done.
Taking our economy? Increasing the cost of living? Tax breaks for the wealthy? Destroying our allegiances? Bending the knee to Russia? Firing veterans?
This all needed to be done?
And it’s awesome to watch.
Are you Russian?
Are you Russian?
No. YOu sound Russian though. Are you? Come on, fess up.
And no word about the rest of what they said? Quite telling. lol
I’m American. But regardless of what nationality I am, I am clearly much more intelligent than you and I just consider myself normal. So what does that make you?
He’s not and it’s not lol.
incorrect. he’s doing awesome. Glad he is our pres
Incorrect, he’s not, and I’m not surprised that you’re glad the fascist is the president
Trumps awesome. And most of the voting public agreed!
“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” -George Carlin
Which a lot in this thread are proving!
Glad you admit it lol
He’s not, most of the world agrees.
Then how come the major news orgs don’t say that?
How come major news organiz cowtow to world leaders everywhere?
Another telling answer. Merely asking this speaks to not only the lack of knowledge but also to a lack of imagination. You’re not even connecting the dots between your millionaire president and the other millionaires who own networks & social medias, and who also gave him some fat cash. Like, bruh, the dots are right next to each other.
And most of the voting public agreed!
Most Germans were into Hitler.
You’re really bad at making good arguments.
Glad he is our pres
That’s because you identify with felons and rapists.