• RangerJosey@lemmy.ml
    15 days ago

    Republicans are a known quantity. They are evil corrupt oxygen thieves. Each one a tragic waste of functioning organs.

    That is what they are. That is all you should expect from them.

    The Democrats are supposed to be better. They claim to be better. They talk mad shit when it suits them. But when they’re in power they always do the bare minimum of not being quite as snake-fuckingly crazy as the Republicans. (Apparently they’re cool with genocide now tho so…🤪)

    But they do little to actually help. And when they’re bullied into it it comes with reams of administrative bloat that ruins it. Fucking means testing and razor thin scopes.

    9/10ths of the job of a DNC member in good standing is maintaining the status quo. Which sucks. So they lose elections and shit gets worse under repubs. They win and restabilize the status quo to the new shittier standard set by the Rs. The other 1/10th is stopping anyone with ideas left of Reagan from getting any power.

    And that’s why the Democrats rightfully get the smoke. They’re supposed to be better than they are. More is expected of them and they refuse to live up to it. The reasons are myriad. Corruption, adherence to norms, etc.