Not like, casual “Hi, how are you?” but seriously, how are you? Are you sleeping okay, is everything in your personal life going all right? And if not, can Internet strangers do anything to help?
That “No” buttons looks sexier every night.
I feel that, just gotta keep on keeping on though. Even if today sucks, tomorrow could be better, and you can only hit the no button once.
It’s a real sexy no button though.
From my experience life is a ball rolling down a hill. It never gets higher than the day before and if it hits the bottom you die.
Your birth decides the starting height and your effort decides the slope.
I started somewhere in the lower middle and put zero effort into life. Now I’m not even half way past others but I’m already near the bottom.
Let’s say I’m not exactly expecting a natural end to my life at this stage.
Life is definitely not a hill, it’s a rollercoaster. And there is no bottom. If you think you can’t take it anymore, there’s always a way to take more. If your bottom gets too deep, it does get harder to climb back up though. It might take a couple tries before you’re all the way back tot he top. That’s just my viewpoint though. You might not see it that way. And if you can’t see the foothold, than you can’t climb them. Maybe a change of perspective can help. Getting out there and meeting people can help with that. Volunteering is also a good one. A volunteer job doesn’t pay in money, but it pays in other ways, like perspective, experience, happiness, purpose, knowledge, socials contacts, things that are good for the soul.
This is my life story. Every day, I understand more and get closer to “old man lives alone with his dog in the woods”
Yeah, except I can’t afford a dog or woods.
old man lives alone with his dog in the woods
thats my dream life, enjoy yourself dude
I’m okay as long as I don’t doom scroll too much.
I’m Canadian and middle aged. I was braced for a rough Trump 2.0, but the last month has truly exceeded expectations for suck. Our country is under economic attack by our biggest trading partner. Human rights and trying to help and support each other are suddenly considered bad things. Our window to address climate change is snapping shut as our leaders around the world move in the wrong direction. I’m feeling really good about my decision to not have kids at least.
On the plus side, my sick cat is responding to treatment, and my partner and I have just set up a nursery - we’re going to start fostering wee kiddos whose families are going through rough spots. I’ve got some financial flexibility so I’m treating myself to a stack of coffee gift cards each week that I hand out to folks who look like they could use it. Sorta makes my day to be able to make sure someone unhoused gets a warm drink and some food.
Politics is absolutely a mess right now, part of the impetus for this thread lol
I’m so glad your kitty is responding to treatment! It’s so scary when they’re sick, I hope they get better soon.
I love the coffee card idea! When I have some extra cash at the end of a paycheck I might steal that.
Silver lining, the disaster down South and the threats being hurled is waking people up to sloganeering populism.
Expect a lot of fearful people who are expecting their medicaid to get cut and lose access to healthcare.
As someone with cancer, that’s what I’m going through.
Not much can be done. The suffering is the point. The majority will not stand up for people like me.
I’m definitely expecting a lot of fear, I know I’m pretty terrified myself.
I’m so sorry, you just shouldn’t have to worry about your healthcare being dropped randomly, especially not in the middle of treating something. I hate that I can’t make your situation any better, I’m just sorry you’re facing that.
I’m in the USA, I’ve been seeing this harrowing bullshit for a long time. Long before it affected me personally. I’ve been angry about it for a long time. Nothing changes, everything gets worse. I’m just a statistic. It is what it is.
Thank you for the kindness, however. The kindness does matter.
I just bought my first home and I move in tomorrow. So really good. I come from a buttfuck nowhere conservative town and I own property on vancouver island now. Hell yeah!
Congratulations! That’s hella frickin exciting! After you get it all furnished and everything it’s gonna be fantastic, not having a landlord to pay rent to is so nice.
Yeah my place is going to look like Rust Cohle’s house for a bit here. I have nothing left to buy furniture. All I have is my computer and desk, a futon, a tv, and a mattress. LOL
Congrats that’s so exciting!
I don’t make fast enough progress with what I’m currently doing in my job (VM images with distrobuilder and cloud-init to call ansible-pull, if you’re into that kind of masochist thing), I get too little sleep because my body insists in waking me up 1h early every day, my 4yo sleeps in bed with my wife instead of me and I miss her terribly, and though we do make good money, it’s still kind of tight.
OTOH, we’re having a spontaneous long weekend getaway with my brother’s family and for friends in a mountain cottage coming up that we’re all really looking forward to, so there’s that. There will be multiple dogs, we’re gonna light a fire and make bread on sticks and marshmallows, and we’ll have a wonderful view over Saxon Switzerland.
But at least equally important: how are you?
Too little sleep is rough, I was up at midnight tonight so that really resonates with me right now lol. Maybe the kid’ll get comfortable sleeping alone soon so you can get your bed back?
Long weekend, multiple dogs, and nice views though? That sounds fantastic, I hope you enjoy it!
Edit oops: I’m doing okay, actually! I’ve been getting treated for depression and it seems to be working, I’ve been having an easier time kinda dealing with life despite the whole everything.
I also totally have a concert coming up, I’m gonna see my favorite band (Delain) next month and my husband’s gonna gonna drive me so I don’t have to park or stay sober or anything, I’m looking forward to it :D
despite the whole everything
Oh shit, I forgot about the whole everything! We’ve had elections here in Germany and it’s going as you would expect, with fascists making massive gains everywhere, and them there’s the US and the environment and the war in Ukraine (which is not very far away from here), well, the whole everything. We even have a German word for it: Gesamtscheiße (roughly translates to “the overall shit”)
You can and should be very proud for getting help for your depression. Good job on surviving, I’m glad to hear that therapy is working. From what I understand, it’s a never ending fight against an enemy that gets stronger while you blink, so don’t give up. Have a meme:
Have fun with Delian!
Every day hearing stuff about Trump is eating away at me. I remember four years ago. Depression settled in. I’m afraid for the next four years of this. It’s only been like 5 weeks.
I envy the blissful ignorance of teenage me. I didn’t understand much of what was going on during the last presidency of mr. orange. I hope you and me find some way of coping. I fear it will be a long 4 years. Maybe I’m wrong, I’d love to be wrong.
I feel like deflated Squidward every day.
I’m thankful to be alive, did my oil change in my car today, my new ramps that were supposed to be good for 10k lbs snapped as I was driving off them with my 3k lbs Malibu. Least I was behind the wheel and not under the car.
Amazon didn’t even bother having me return them, they were like “oh shit OK yea going to skip offering a replacement and sending the old ones back, here’s your money back”.
Other than that though, feeling accomplished, I haven’t been doom-scrolling as much lately and I’ve started straying away from more political posting’s because I found that there isn’t much I could do regarding everything and it was starting to dampen the mood.
Looking at the brighter things in life I have found helps tremendously in keeping positivity alive.
Ooh, that sounds like it could have been scary! Glad you’re okay.
Avoiding doom scrolling is probably good, I could stand to take a page out of your book lol
Please, please keep safety first when working with these heavy vehicles. And don’t cheap out when your life is on the line (jacks, ramps, brakes, steering components, …)
I looked at the reviews and black widow was supposed to be an amazing brand, it was 60 bucks but like every review was five stars, but yeah needless to say I don’t plan on buying them again
I am quite unwell for the most part. I spend most of my time alone. I’m either at home playing games in a filthy room (because I never have the energy to clean it) or I’m at the low-paying job I hate surrounded by people I’m either indifferent to or despise. As for a personal life, that’s about it. The only person I’m close to is my sister and we don’t even want to talk to eachother at least fifty percent of the time. I’m in my mid-twenties, can’t drive, and I live with my parents who I believe would have kicked me out if they didn’t feel sorry for me. Mental illness runs in my family so I don’t bother talking to them about it because they’re all dealing with their own shit. I feel no excitment for anything. I spend most of my time bored and alone which I hate to admit. I know it’s not, but it feels almost shameful. I’m not going to jump off anything in case anyone is worried, I just wanted to take this opportunity to vent.
Sleep is like it’s always been. Tired in the morning and awake in the evening. The lack of daylight in the winter is getting worse and worse the older I get.
Other than that quite good and slowly getting better.
An actual list of the “problems everyone hopes they never have” category of our various problems is pretty long right now, and many of them are more personal than I want to share.
Shit’s not the worst it’s ever been for us currently, but financially it’s closer than my wife realizes it is (because she’s got enough to deal with right now), and (gestures around at everything Trump related) I’m figuring several of our problems are going to get worse before they get better.
I’ve got long and medium term plans to sort most of it out, but like all such plans they depend on the short term stuff going at least more or less as I hope, and on the complete collapse of US society not actually happening.
Glib sounding yet serious response in meme-form because this really is how it’s looking so far in my mid-late 50s:
OP sounds like a nice person for posting such a thread, and I hope you are doing well sir or madam. 🙂
I get not wanting to share anything too personal, totally no worries. I’m glad you have plans at least! I think we’re all crossing our fingers that the US doesn’t totally collapse, it’s interesting times to say the least. Hopefully whatever happens doesn’t hit you two too hard. I think as long we get through this mess things can start getting better.
got hit by a basketball a week ago on my left thumb and it still hurts, but whatever, luckily if it gets worse I can just go to the town hospital and get it fixed for free
I do worry for all that’s happening in the USA and for what that means for us Europeans, but there’s not much I can do apart from voting
Parents are still on the far right ideology, I made the accident of mentioning politics and they said Zelenskyy is a dictator put in power by Biden, and that Putin is right by attacking them because they tried to join NATO…
Whatever. I just hope I get old enough to not get drafted when Putin decides to invade us.
I’m slowly prepping for whatever is to come, but money is tight, and nothing’s helping.
I’m sleeping decently thanks to meds, but I still have many issues at home and at work because of ADHD, and I often end up lying on my bed with many things to do, no energy to do them, and at the same time too much energy to rest, which only fuels my frustration.
I have a couple hobbies I do when I’m not terribly down, but they don’t involve leaving my home and my social circle reflects that, I have a couple of distant friends left and even just the thought of a partner is light years away
but hey, my dog’s happy
man, I wish I was my dog
Living on public housing only with food stamps and little money from my aging mother, can’t afford anything, barley can eat, disabled and can’t work although been applying everywhere but disabilities means I’m disabled. But government says I don’t exist, wants to take the little things I have away like food and shelter, government says I can work because I can checks notes “fold laundry” and “work a telephone switchboard”.
Been like this for the last 10 years battling every day to just exist
Oh and don’t forget the government internment camps that I probably will be forcefully joining next couple years because I’m different
I’ve been sleeping like shit. The air mattress I sleep on has a slow leak and deflates halfway through the night. It’s also been cold af for the last 3 months and the baseboard heater isn’t enough to heat the room.
On the bright side I finally found a job, so the threat of homelessness is subsiding. I’m looking forward to getting a real bed, now that I know I’ll have a place to keep it.
Relative to the last several months, I’m doing amazing. Thanks for asking.
On an upward trend is awesome, glad to hear it and congrats on the new job! I’m looking forward to you getting a real bed too, air mattresses are awful.