The most notable of which being “The 4chan moderation team reserves the right to revoke access and remove content for any reason without notice.”
I noticed something fishy starting a few weeks ago. I kept getting 3 day bans, but with no reason listed and/or no link to the offending post.
So basically I was being banned because the mods wanted to ban me. This turned into a permanent ban, I presume because of the updated rules that I wasn’t aware of.
You are not allowed to DISCUSS anything that violates US law. I was banned for mentioning that I was worried my neighbours are abusing their kid.
Permanently banned from 4Chan for this. I tried to appeal it but it was rejected.
Always saw 4Chan as a freedom of speech platform but looks like things are changing very quickly.
Always saw 4Chan as a freedom of speech platform but looks like things are changing very quickly.
That was your mistake. Just because it allowed all sorts of stupid shitposts, slurs and weird porn didn’t mean it was a place for free speech. Power tripping mods are as old as the site itself. Some people got so fed up with that they made “freer speecher” alternatives, like 8chan.
maybe, but the rules were never like this. I’ve tried searching the web about people being unfairly banned and I barely found anything. They’re definitely changing things.
It’s messed up to get banned for life without any warning, explanation or second chances. Literally how would anyone know the rules have changed unless they read them every day?
It’s gonna be hard for people to find out though, because most search results on Google are reddit ones, and people who go on 4chan are much more likely to be banned from reddit. So that’s why I wanted to post this here. I know I’m not the only one and I suspect alternative websites will only grow in the future.
What board? On /b/ things could always be removed for no reason.
“zomg none applies to the mods as well”
It was not on /b/
This + 15min posting delay is what’s causing massive decline in 4chan’s userbase recently, but I don’t think that alternatives would grow as a result. The demography is changing and the internet is getting more and more centralized, so unfortunately imageboards and other independent platforms are dying.
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People are really using 4chan? I thought this was a meme
I’ve always seen 4chan as like a content generation white hole (made of poop ofc). From nothing, content spews forth and each tier of websites acts as a new filter as the content got safer or less dark as few and fewer memes got reposted. There used to be 4 tiers of how dark you liked your meme brew (4chan>reddit>twitter>Facebook)
Idk why I typed this up I should just hit the delete key this is outdated I have no idea how it works now. I’ve never used 4chan (or its doubling number clones) so it was always a mythical, forbidden place.
(Everything the light touches is our domain. What’s that shadowy place over there? 4chan where you must never go)
There was a time when content was created on 4chan. That stopped being true years ago. By the time gamer gate begins any novel content was dead
At the time of the COVID pandemic, so 4 or 5 years after gamergate, I saw a 4chan repost on reddit about starting a conspiracy that drinking your own piss would prevent/cure COVID. About 2 weeks later there was a mainstream news article about some dehydrated maga supporter who was pulled of the road, who had been drinking his own piss.
I thought that was pretty original and novel.
I’ve never been a 4chan user though, so I only see 4chan memes/trolling once it spreads outside and I can’t comment on the quality/quantity of their content, I just don’t think that the site’s relevance is completely gone.
Had you split out that last paragraph into its own comment, i would have upvoted twice. You just missed out on an upvote :')
I check in once a year or so, just to remind myself if the dregs of humanity are still hanging out there
Sometimes you need to go into the toxic wastes of /pol/ to appreciate fresh air and sane people in your life.
If you want brain damage it’s the place to be!
no the website is just bots /s
I suppose there is a neverending stream of edgy teenagers
To be honest you’ll do a great favor to yourself abandoning this site from hell.
Where else will I find ‘fitness buffs’ eating gorilla kibble and discussing weighted swimming.
Fun fact: My teen now calls a weighted vest a lifn’t jacket because of this.
At least they’re vegan, good for them
You’re not wrong but it doesn’t make it less devastating. I’ve been using it for years and not even gotten banned a single time. And now in the past few weeks this, and then I check the rules and it all makes sense. I always saw it as a fall back option when I wanted to talk to someone. It used to be reddit but I got banned for some complete bs, it used to be discord but they totally ruined it too… Then I thought I at least had 4chan but no longer
I know my friend, I used to browse 4chan for years too since I was a teenager actually, I don’t remember what made me leave it but I know that I didn’t realize after later how hateful that site made me and how my view of the world was influenced by their echo chamber. I know it is a fun site but I realized it is not worth it, at least for me.
Well, you are here now at least, by the very definition of how lemmy works, you shouldn’t have this problem here unless you are really uncivil and still you can always change the instance. There is a lack of users and content comparing to any of the platforms you mentioned since this is a relatively new one but you are helping growing it too :)
Tbh, I think I had to be banned to stop using it. So maybe it’s a good thing, and I can lie to myself and pretend the moderators really care about me and want me to be happy and that’s why they banned me .
What i’ve learned (unfortunately the hard way) is that often in society, you can not only get in trouble for what you say, but even for bringing up a topic at all.
Consider it like this: If you (male) went into an office and meet a coworker (female) and say something like: “I like your outfit” it could get you in trouble with HR. But also if you say: “I don’t like your outfit”, it will also get you in trouble with HR. The problem isn’t what you say, but that you bring it up (that you talk about how a coworker woman looks) at all.
Something similar is happening with other things. Like, when you’re discussing teen sexuality, even if you’re bringing up good arguments, it is likely that that will bring you in trouble, not only for what you said, but especially also for daring to speak about such a sensitive topic. Taboos (things one doesn’t speak about) are very real in society.
Something similar might have happened in your case.
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They are an American freedom os speech platform now. You can freely spout the dumbest shit, as long as the mods like it.
The mod didn’t like it.
It served it’s purpose getting MAGA elected. Now the funding from Putin and US political action groups is gone and they need to tighten things up to continue to get ad revenue.
It served it’s purpose getting MAGA elected.
yeah, that was moot’s plan in 2003
I thought he was no longer in charge of 4chan
he was in 2003
Yeah I’m sure that was it’s purpose when it was founded in 2003
I don’t get it, who are they getting ad revenue from? Thought it was just random people using their website to sell their stuff, why would they care about how “politically correct” the website is? They can just find literally anywhere else to advertise
ITT: we don’t understand how internet marketing works
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fairly sure its original purpose was to share the kind of hentai that would get you banned from something awful
thinking 4chan is important enough for any government to care about it at all
It’s uncertain what exactly, but something weird is definitely going on
I was last browsing 4chan in 2012. IDK about other boards but on /b/ i won’t call it free speech but hate speech, plus the sickening post under the thread “mods are asleep” or “girl with braces” for underage teens, and to no surprise these threads are not even deleted by mods. And i think about the banning on 4chan it was always up to the mods if they don’t like what your posting then you get banned. Sometimes m00t was also pops up on a thread and banning ppl for the laugh at it.
The only good thing 4chan is, it makes me questioned, investigate, and learn to not become hateful.
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Are you posting in /b/ ? The moderators of /b/ are also freed from many of the usual rules, and they have often removed posts or issued bans for any and no reason at all.
I am not :/ I’m telling u guys this is definitely a recent thing. I don’t exactly know what their motives are but it’s kind of scary tbh
I rarely read the rules, but hasn’t it always been the case that you could be banned for no reason? and I think that’s okay, the mods don’t have a obligation to be fair, Hiro / the mods can do with 4chan whatever they want.
ultimately I think you can say on 4chan everything you want, more so than on any other platform.
No, I don’t think that has always been the case at all. When I was looking back at old posts people would be completely shocked if someone would get banned from 4chan, because it would be very hard to get banned and you’d have to do something really bad. That’s just not the case anymore. I’ve also heard of people paying for a pass and getting banned for bs reasons too.
there were times you’d get banned simply for posting about Naruto
I’ve also heard of people paying for a pass and getting banned
as they should be
banned 4 Naruto
banned for buying a pass
also rood
4chan was never a freedom of speech platform, my newfriend. It was, at best, a breeding ground for incels and, at worse, literally nazis.
Really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find free speech these days.
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Lemmy has been the best option I see too.
I have slight hope that after the social media goose-stepping, everyone will become more aware of why decentralization is so important.
If you think Lemmy is free speech you haven’t been looking too far. It’s just left flavored.
it’s possible to find other lemmy instances, but they won’t be federated relative to this instance
-Gestures around- …could be worse
Jannies will Janny.
They even killed the IP counter, now with even more shameless shilling!
It’s a yikes from me
Can’t say ive ever had a post removed. i mostly use /g/ though
Honestly, I suspect it might also have something to do with the specific board and thread I would frequent. That kind of makes it all the more messed up. If I had known this would or could happen I would’ve just stopped going there. But now that I think about it, it’s probably the reason I got permabanned, by some power tripping mod from there.