I’m currently using a second hand GTX1050ti (Yeah, I know lmao), and the next big games I really want to play are Baldur’s gate 3 and Starfield.

My other specs are quite beefy, since this is also my work computer: Ryzen 9 5900X 64GB RAM ddr4

My monitor has a 1080p resolution, with a 60Hz refresh rate and I’m pretty happy gaming with that. Would an rx6700xt suffice? Is it overkill or just barely enough?


  • n3m37h@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    6700xt is a great card will get 120+ fps in games at 1080p and has 12gb ram so will be useful in upcoming games.
    I run a 5600x 64gb @3600 6700xt. The only downside is ray tracing. It can do shadows and med reflections most other things like GI bring the card to it’s knees