In the past week or so, the courts have begun to try to set some boundaries on the Musk–Miller–Trump administration’s early blitz of recklessness.

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This judicial review provides at least a small reprieve, hope that some of the administration’s most destructive impulses will be stopped. Or at least pared back. But even with the courts stepping up, and even with the reality of the administration’s ineptitude sinking in, this early Musk–Miller–Trump blitz remains very—maybe irreparably—damaging. Of course, there are a lot of moles to whack: the U.S. Agency for International Development and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau are being dismantled at an alarming rate, and the court system is not known for being nimble. The administration is betting, perhaps rightly, that at least some of its thoughtless, lawless efforts will slip through the cracks.

But even if the courts caught them all—and even if every court facing each lawless escapade said, “Nope, that’s not a thing”—still the entire process would be doing serious damage to our institutions. Think of it as someone spoofing your identity and going on a shopping spree with your credit cards. Even if the goon gets caught, you still have to go store by store to argue that the fraudulent purchase wasn’t legitimate and hope the debt is forgiven. And all the while, perhaps long after all the debts are dealt with, the torrent of uncertainty kills your credit score.


    1 month ago

    Pelosi defends lawmaker stock trades, citing ‘free market’

    The fascists are worse. I voted Harris with a funeral dirge in my heart out of harm reduction, but make no mistake, all we’ve been arguing for half a century is the rate of decline. A little slower under neoliberals, a little faster under Fascists.

    NOTHING CAN IMPROVE until our government knocks our oligarchs down to size. Both parties are very well paid by the oligarchs to defend them from us. The oligarchs are running the asylum because both parties let them.

    Republicans having no meaningful opposition on the shape and priorities of the economy for so long made them this bold. Every cycle in most of our lifetimes, both parties have been marching rightward. I fully expect next cycle for neoliberals to advocate “more humane” concentration camps in their never ending March to the new middle, already deep into fascist crazy town.