ID: photo of a dark road through some woods, in the lower right is text saying “The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting.”
If they get to lose their minds over obviously fake shit that is sometimes even still not really anything then by golly I get to be pissed when genuine bullshit happens.
When a tan suit is worse than a nazi salute I could not give even the slightest shit what that person has to say.
Stop over reacting, this is your mental health, no one else is having this strong of a reaction, you’re not seeing reality, you’re a black American not an immigrant so you’re safe, other minorities are not afraid, what makes you so special that you think you’re a target?
I’ve spent the last week being told these things and more by people who have admitted they’re unafraid because they’re white. These same people that I thought had my back and said they understood for the last 20 years. I’m literally questioning if I should prepare for the worst without my family or check myself into a mental hospital because everyone around me is telling me to wait and see what the white nationalists do. There is no imminent threat to myself.
This whole scenario is solidifying my belief that we’re just alone in the world and if you’re dark skinned no one is going to protect you here. My white family members and friends are calling me one of the good ones every fucking day but think because of different wording it doesn’t mean the same goddamn thing. I’m so fucking pissed and disaappinted. I’m waiting to die or get arrested while everyone else is going to Starbucks and talking about future vacation plans.
F U C K T H I S.
I’m white, but also trans. Currently preparing to move across country to a state where I hope to maintain some rights.
I’m privileged enough to be able to do that, but I also am aware that my job may be at risk with everything going on. This last week has me anxious enough that my ADHD medication is barely doing anything to help me focus on most tasks.
It’s the same shit MLK said about the white moderate. Anyone fine and comfy is perfectly OK with other people being denied rights because doing something to fix it means upsetting the status quo and stuff might end up a bit harder for them.
Meanwhile, so many people getting deported means we are about to enter in a massive food shortage and price hike that will effect them. But they will rationalize like they always do that this wasn’t something they could have forseen desire the rest of us telling them exactly what was going to happen.
For fuck sake, there were people like that who basically claimed we were crazy for quoting the shit trump said he was going to do. Saying it was hyperbole. Like Trump even knows what that is.
I’m Jewish. I’ve told my family for years, especially the young ones, “we’re always second. When they get through the people that don’t look like them, they’ll come for us, who look like them but somehow aren’t”
They still look at me like I’m crazy… For now. I hope they continue to
Not only am I Jewish too, I’m clergy. I’m very publicly Jewish. My wife thought I was nuts for some time when I told her we have to have an exit plan, but then realized we need it to be safe. I’m more worried about members of the BIPOC and LGBTQIA+ community than I am about us, but I know that the Nazis will come for us too.
Hey sibling.
I’m a trans person and I feel every word of this.
Hey! I’m really sorry you’re going through this. It’s devestating.
Thanks. 🫂
That’s truly awful, I’m sorry you’re having to find out who your friends and even family really are, and mostly, that they’re getting you to doubt yourself so deeply.
Trust your gut. These people are telling you who they are, listen. Don’t put your life in their hands.
I know it sounds impossible, or at least very difficult, but try and find or create a community of people who don’t do that shit to you, who share your fears, or at the very least don’t prioritise their own feelings and dismiss yours because they personally don’t experience that kind of oppression and can see how absolutely terrifying the world is for marginalised people right now, and who are willing and ready to act in defence of one another and marginalised people at large.
You are not alone, and your fears are valid and well founded
There are many others like you out there, but they’re probably just as scared as you are to reach out because they’re getting the same shit from the privileged people in their lives, and are also doubting themselves and thinking they’re alone too.
This is the time to find our people, support each other, build community, and resist. It is our only option.
Solidarity from the UK, stay safe friend.
The road to fascism is that of a denial of a shared reality, predicated on the argument that all truth is relative.
Don’t sound like my parents!
To be fair, so is the road to normalcy.
Change a few words around and this meme could be about Q-anon people during the height of the COVID pandemic yelling about FEMA camps. Or, it could be about people freaking out about the supposed 2012 “Maya apocalypse”.
Just because someone is reacting strongly doesn’t mean they’re necessarily right. Although, in this case, the fascism in the US is pretty obvious to everyone.
Bullshit false equivalency. The difference comes down to critical thought. The things you listed are just ridiculous conspiracy theory BS that falls apart every time at the slightest criticism.
Na, your examples are just more of the road to fascism.
Also trying to compare the legitimate reactions of marginalised people to our lives being put under threat, that get framed by those with more privilege as an overreaction, to an actual overreaction by those with privilege to no threat whatsoever other than to that privilege is fucking gross and at best shows a complete misunderstanding of the gaslighting we face as marginalised people. At worst, it is actively participating in said gaslighting.
It is only a matter of time before pigs or some paramilitary pig-wannabes perpetrate a massacre of protestors in the US.
When (not if) they do, watch out… it will be open-season on anybody that’s marginalized or slightly left than Heinrich Himmler.
I sure hope you all are ready for this.
The fact that almost everything Trump said he wouldn’t do is shit he’s doing tells you all you need to know.
I just left a conversation with my 88 year old dad less gratified than a similar conversation with him 8 years ago. He’s recently fallen in love with a very conservative woman roughly 15 years his junior, and I’m feeling pretty bad about his leaning.
Many aspects of our conversation disturbed me. I’m feeling far worse about our societal situation than I did after our conversations 15 years ago. I don’t know what’s changed in that demographic, but it’s not good.
And people telling you democrats aren’t the same
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That is stated nowhere.
What „reaction” are you even talking about?
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Bad bait is bad.
“Explain myself? How dare you!”
Ah yes, a black and white world with no other options.
Silencing media and your best bud doing nazi shit, cmon guys stop overreacting
What a moronic take.