How is this bot generated garbage though? it’s just an article that was posted to three communities where it was relevant. This argument makes no sense, and again, if there’s enough good content, and people don’t like this article for whatever reason, it won’t appear on your feed because the better stuff will rise to the top. Right now you see basically everything posted because Lemmy is small, and yes, sometimes that means stuff that isn’t the best fit for a community or isn’t that interesting. But again, vote and post what you find interesting and this problem will be solved by the nature of the platform. Other people posting does not in any way prevent you from doing that.
Also, it’s not what I do it’s what basically everyone on here does who contributes content. I didn’t even make this post. But if I did I would have shared it to multiple communities it seemed relevant too because I would think people there might be interested in it. We’re not selling anything, we’re not trying to farm karma for some nefarious secret business, we’re just trying to make Lemmy a more engaging place to be. So trash-talking people for just trying to help is really harmful to the platform.
How is this bot generated garbage though? it’s just an article that was posted to three communities where it was relevant. This argument makes no sense, and again, if there’s enough good content, and people don’t like this article for whatever reason, it won’t appear on your feed because the better stuff will rise to the top. Right now you see basically everything posted because Lemmy is small, and yes, sometimes that means stuff that isn’t the best fit for a community or isn’t that interesting. But again, vote and post what you find interesting and this problem will be solved by the nature of the platform. Other people posting does not in any way prevent you from doing that.
Also, it’s not what I do it’s what basically everyone on here does who contributes content. I didn’t even make this post. But if I did I would have shared it to multiple communities it seemed relevant too because I would think people there might be interested in it. We’re not selling anything, we’re not trying to farm karma for some nefarious secret business, we’re just trying to make Lemmy a more engaging place to be. So trash-talking people for just trying to help is really harmful to the platform.