Last fall I got an inexpensive 3D printer (Ender 3 Pro) and have been surprised at how it’s made “shop life” better. What are your favorite things you’ve made for your shop? Here are mine:
Pictued above, this have 100% solved how to store these things. Just printed with PLA, they’re quite strong and fit the tools perfectly.
#2: Tool Well Storage Bins
I made these to fit my bench’s tool well. I had been using jars and other round containers but their shape wasted space and they didn’t have internal divisions.
Nice way to keep my most often used bits out of a drawer and easy to find.
#4: 4" x 120mm Dust Hose Adapter
While not glamorous I use this every time I use my table saw.
I would recommend a printer with automatic bed leveling (ABL), at some point you want it and installing it later, while possible on many printers, is a hassle. I was sitting on the fence a long time myself. Ended up buying a “FLSUN Q5” as my first printer and I couldn’t be happier.
I know there’s some pushback at delta printers for firsttimers, but I just love how it looks when they print.