• phoenixz@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Let people work from home

    Restructure cities to focus on humans first, cars last. This requires changing suburbs to have mixed use buildings, smaller shops and cafes and restaurants mixed / close by with houses. This requires changing a large amount of roads to become smaller, replacing lots of roads with bicycle infrastructure. Add GOOD public transportation

    This way, people can walk to the vast majority of destinations (< half a kilometer). If it’s further, they can bike (< 5-10 kms) and it’s further yet they can take easy and good quality public transportation.

    In very rare occasions people actually really really need a car. For those, they can use an Uber type service.

    This works. Check the Netherlands, Finland and other countries. It requires the will to do it. Bicycle infrastructure is much cheaper to build and maintain and with the cars mostly gone we can repurpose huge parking lots to be nice parks, better housing and generally cities can get more taxes from designs like that. Less costs, more income, nicer and cleaner and safer cities!

    Good luck with any of that though, car companies want to print more money money money…