Adderall 2 days in a row now makes me paranoid, and I’ve never really been able to get a doc to prescribe vyvance or anything else, and frankly at this point, I’m afraid to do stimulants. Strattera made me feel weird.

Has meditation helped? cutting sugar, more exercise? keto? I’m really battling trying to focus on one task, then realizing I want to do 100 other tasks, so I start the research into all of them, thinking I’ll do them all, one at a time, and 1000 browser tabs later (not an exaggeration 32gigs of ram can manage that), I realize I’ll get none done.

    1 year ago

    Very rigid routines and coping mechanisms. For your tab problem, I use OneTab to collapse and save them all into a searchable list for later.

    So the key for me has been “offloading” and “outsourcing” is what I call them. Memory tasks I offload to my phone like reminders, obsessive calendaring, note taking, and to do lists. I automate as much as possible when it comes to systems designed to make me get on task. Basically, if executive function is a limited resource (it is if you have ADHD) the less decision making you have to do, the better. Pre-make decisions and go from a script or playbook. That’s my calendar and notes.