Personally, I think it would be ideal to have one to two instance left wing trolls. If you don’t want to deal with them, you can block them but I think that having 1 to 2 instance trolls or just allowing trolls in general could help drive traffic here and make the place fun especially if you do not take their bullshit too seriously. There is always the risk that they Do a mass rush though. But at least we would get to talk shit to an actual person.

    1 year ago

    Honestly some stuff they post is actually interesting. The problem is that that almost any guy walking in here is discussing in bad faith.

    Like you can call me a nazi, racist whatever and post articles but when there is a rebuttal to the article in question I expect OP to come to the comments to explain why they thought it was a good article.

    Just dumping some incorrect articles and thinking “I le epically troled” is just regarded and should be met with a ban.

    Talking about these folks

    Dumps regarded articles and doesnt respond when he knows he is wrong. Unless this lazy fucker sleeps for 19 hours. Thats also a possibility.

    I think you should just fuck with them, let them stay as long as they stay entertaining to you or provide a serious discussion. The moment they turn lame or start spamming whack them out. Let them waste their time.