It’s been trending this way for years, but seeing it graphed out like this is shocking.

What do you think are the effects of this drastic change?

    10 hours ago

    I’m sure I would agree with everything in the book, I have never read it personally but I have heard arguments and summaries about it, , it is one of the most depressing things to think about but I am pretty sure it helps my point not disproves it.

    Essentially the first civilizations shaped the early evolution of mankind forcing them from a hunter gatherer society(violent and unruly) to a agrarian Society(docile and submissive) you can argue all you want about the benefits of these traits or even the necessity of them but you can’t argue that these forces are not at play and in full effect when it comes to dating apps, I personally find it disturbing but the fact that we are breeding a serving class isn’t nearly as disturbing as the fact that we are breeding a ruling class at the same time and we have every potential to separate into two different species.