Snow’s father David began to advocate for a ban on lawn darts, claiming that there was no way to keep children from accessing lawn darts short of a full ban
Plenty of people see it that way, unfortunately the NRA has been funded by those who think of it as a net positive every time one American kills another with a gun, and they’ve used that money to drum up fear in our most vulnerable and weak-minded citizens, the conservatives.
It wouldn’t be until December 19, 1988 that the plumbata would be banned for recreational use.
If only somebody would see it the same with guns…
Plenty of people see it that way, unfortunately the NRA has been funded by those who think of it as a net positive every time one American kills another with a gun, and they’ve used that money to drum up fear in our most vulnerable and weak-minded citizens, the conservatives.
Nearly 2000 years of tradition, cut down by philistines!
Lol, beat me to it!