Little late this week but we are back with another cool Warframe

This is Frost, colder and deadlier than space itself. Frost can protect or punish, the decision is yours.

1st ability-Freeze A blast of cold energy that can freeze the target

2nd ability-Ice Wave Send out a wave of frozen ice dealing heavy damage and inflicting cold upon enemies

3rd ability-Snow Globe Create an icy barrier to stop incoming projectiles, great for defending objectives

4th ability-Avalanche Summon a landslide of ice to freeze and shatter all enemies in its radius

Passive Enemies hitting Frost with a melee attack have a 10% chance to get frozen for 20 seconds


Subsumed Ability-Ice Wave

Tactical Ability-Snow Globe

Frost can be found by defeating Captain Vor and Lech Kril on Exta, Ceres with the main blueprint on the Market

Frost was introduced 1/29/2013 in update 6.0. His design was based on an unused boss from DE’s previous game, Dark Sector

Frost Prime was introduced in update 7.10 in 5/3/2013. Frost prime is tied with Hydroid Prime for the fourth highest possible shields at 3,195

Frost is the second Warframe that received a prime version, and the first one that is craftable.

I really like Frost (Honestly I’m a big fan of all the elemental based frames)

He excels at defending objectives with his abilities, and with the introduction of his new mod for Ice Wave, Icy Avalanche, he can protect his allies with plenty of overguard

    1 year ago

    His Avalanche only actually needs 167% power strength to reach 100% armor strip, the thing that limits it is it’s mediocre 15m base range which kinda forces you to run Overextended and thus have to add another 60% strength to compensate.
    And I agree, he is perfectly playable, his play style just really only works against Grineer/Corrputed or lower level other factions and it boils down to casting 4 over and over, his only good ability. He is still in a much better spot than the likes of Hydroid, Limbo or Inaros.