Here are some random quotes from the article that basically sum it up, IMO.

Relief measures aimed at superannuitants include promising to increase NZ Super annually – although that already happens under the current scheme

As the tax policy makes clear, short-term concerns about the cost of living trump longer-term considerations about climate change.

Generally, two of the new proposals appear to gloss over the massive IT costs that tend to accompany new taxes.

What the package does not do is engage with the problem of tax-free wealth.

there isn’t a lot here for the least well off. But these are probably not the voters National is after.

    1 year ago

    Yep. Just a vote grab. Absolutely nothing to see here.

    The only party that is taking Climate Change seriously is the Greens. Unfortunately, both the major parties are seriously overlooking what will happen to NZ’s trade if they continue down this path - National are worse than Labour. The effects on trade, hence NZ income, will, l believe, happen over a much shorter period than most think, leaving no time to catch up.

    Perhaps Labour will still come home strong before the election, but I’m not holding my breath on that one. Labour+Green I can stomach. National+/-anyone I cannot.

    What is needed is a full on CGT and a shift in tax thresholds that reduces tax on the poor and increases tax on the rich, along with some serious Climate Change action. Healthcare needs to be number two behind Climate Change.

      1 year ago

      Healthcare needs to be number two behind Climate Change.

      That’s a vote winning policy for sure.