• OpenStars@discuss.online
      14 days ago

      SNL’s Michael Che has a standup special (trailer) where he talks about there being two Americas. In one of them, black people can be outright killed just for being there. So yeah, black people tend to congregate.

        • OpenStars@discuss.online
          13 days ago

          I would argue that first, poverty is a more deciding factor. e.g. Proverbs 30:8-9.

          I wrote out a long response but I shouldn’t do that to you in case you might deem it disrespectful:-). Instead I should just say that virtually nobody determines what color they are, or where they’ll be born.

          And white people kill black people about ten times more than the reverse iirc. In fact, the idea that black people fear being killed by the likes of the KKK far more than they fear dying inside of a city by a member of the same race should be a huge indicator as which should be considered more dangerous (to them, who don’t want to be killed hence pay attention to such things keenly).

          White people may never see it - e.g. the very same gas station attendant or restaurant server that was so very helpful to us, can in an instant turn around and threaten the literal life of a black person, e.g. whose car may have had some mechanical trouble, through little fault of their own beyond being born into poverty.

          The amount of anger, hatred, and resentment in this country should not be underestimated. And yes, black people kill black people too - but if you are not allowed to move elsewhere, then what else can a black person do!? (“black flight” causes “white flight” into suburbs that are further and further from the cities, and causes property values to fall, taxes to go down, police presence decreases, and the cycle continues)

          the long(er) version, but don't say I didn't warn you!:-)

          First, help me never to tell a lie. Second, give me neither poverty nor riches! Give me just enough to satisfy my needs! Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.

          There are so many misleading claims being made out there, including by the former President. iirc, around 2015 when Trump was saying that 90% of white people were being killed by black people, actually something like 91% of all interracial murders were committed by white people, and only 6% by black (and 3% by native Americans). 6% is a far cry from 90% of murders of whites being done by blacks - they are at the complete polar opposite of the spectrum!!! He was… not careful with his words let’s say.

          Yes, black people kill black people, but like… bc they are there, not bc they are black or anything, and anyway white people kill white people for the identical reason. Murderers are gonna murder, it’s kinda what they do, but again a lot of that is related to poverty - e.g. we don’t see a whole lot of doctors or scientists running around murdering people (okay so ignoring things like assisted suicide or abortion that are a tad bit more complex than straight-up “murder”, and anyway are not a significant fraction of adult deaths, so while perhaps important it’s still a separate matter).

          Lastly, no matter what end of the political spectrum you may find yourself in, I know I can count on you to agree that white people are known to commit crimes as well - both inside cities (cough Washington DC cough) and outside of them. Except the latter happens less often, although then again the density is lower so that is exactly what we would expect. And whites kill primarily whites too - basically as you kinda said, people inside the denser areas of cities kill one another at higher levels, but it’s not “blacks killing whites”, and while it is “blacks killing blacks”, it’s also “whites killing whites”, so not really so much racial as driven by poverty or whatever.

          Mind you, I’m not suggesting to go walking down the street in a dangerous area at night… but that one is regardless of color, although to the extent that color would matter it would be the “match” to the area not overall.

          A lot of what seems wrong with black people - as black leaders have said over & over - is the culture, which remember was uprooted when they were forcibly brought to the USA and dumped here with no survival skills to live independently of their captors the slave owners. And it’s not like white people’s kids don’t also commit crimes (or listen to rap music, or wear hoodies, etc.), nor Mexican, or whatever.

          Anyway this is getting long, so I’ll wrap up by saying that black people fear the likes of the KKK far more than they do even potentially dying inside one of the primarily black areas of a city that is known for its crime. That should really underscore how fucked up America has become, not living up to its principles of “home of the free and the brave” - we have quite a ways to go yet if we ever wanted to make that a reality for all of our citizens imho, i.e. including people who did not choose but cannot help but having been born black… but more importantly poor, and in a city, or whatever.

          And yes, many would move away from the crime ridden cities if they were allowed to. But… some cities are pretty neat too, so many would choose to not leave, though would like to live in the nicer areas inside of them.