I can’t even afford taking care of myself but if I have kid, I would adopt instead of “making my own kid”. Why not this is not popular? These kids already came to this shithole (world) and we’re just ignoring them.

I know the answer actually, we’re just slave to our instincts…

  • macrocephalic@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    And depending on where you are the biological parents may be able to reclaim them at some point. My sister looked into it in my country and determined that they never really became your children, you were just taking care of them until they either grew up or their parents came back for them. I can’t imagine taking care of a child for years, treating it like your own, and then a stranger just coming and taking it back (and possibly taking it into a terrible environment).

    All the adopted kids I grew up with were adopted from overseas and now I understand why.