• Aceticon@lemmy.world
    2 days ago

    “They made me do it” has been the main axis of Israeli Propaganda since the start and that’s just a variant of that.

    How about this alternative explanation: they’re stealing Palestinian land, want to ultimatelly steal all Palestinian land, are led by Sociopaths and Psychopaths and have an extremely racist society anchored on the kind of ethnic superiority ideas that would make Klanners blush, so they were always going to do something like this sooner or later to get rid of the rest of Palestinians and get the rest of their land and do it in the most inhuman ways because a large part, maybe even most, of Israeli society see themselves as “the chosen people”, a superior ethnicity and what the previous famous group of ethno-Fascists would call übermenschen, whilst they see Palestinians as lesser people, “human animals”, untermenschen.

    This is the kind of mass murdering Western nations used to do back in the days of Colonialism. It’s only shocking for us nowadays because we’ve evolved as societies and adopted Humanist values (though by their support of Israel you can see that many politicians in several countries and even a large fraction of people have in fact not evolved). Israel does in fact have Western Values, it’s just they’re the White Colonialist Values that many European nations had back in the 19th Century, not 21st Century Western Values.