Right now:

Crash Bandicoot Nsane trilogy, FFX-2, Cyberpunk 2077, DMC V.

  • MrBobDobalina@lemmy.ml
    3 天前

    I don’t play metroidvania type games very often, and I struggle to remember details to come back to. For example, if I gain a dash ability, I want to be able to check my map and know where to head back to as there might be half a dozen spots it may allow access to.

    Add in a few other types of blocked routes scattered throughout, and all of the branching paths etc, I find it hugely helpful to have a customised map.

    I first tried with just the in game maps and the pins you can drop, but I ran out of pins before finding the abilities to revisit and clear out the areas.

    • skye@lemmy.world
      3 天前

      i see, makes sense. Its been a long time since i played HK, but you can also increase charm slots.

      Also you’re not supposed to be able to use all of them at once, you have to change based on situation (although you can have one charm over thr limit at the cost of double damage received)

      good luck with your custom map search though, Hollow Knight is a very good game

      • MrBobDobalina@lemmy.ml
        3 天前

        Cheers, I’ll definitely give it another go, what I played of it was fantastic.

        With the running out of pins, I just meant the map markers that you can place on the map. You have a few different colours and a limited amount of each, so I was using them for different types of gate/hurdle/blockage. But quickly ran out. That’s when I decided to draw a map