There’s no hard and fast rule that says how old a console needs to be for it and it’s games to be considered retro.

There are a lot of people that say that anything from two generations ago is retro. That would put the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and the Wii in the retro camp.

Do you think the PS3 generation is retro or if not what consoles do you consider to be retro systems?

    1 year ago

    After launch. Obviously it’s a rule of thumb though, and not a cast iron date.

    TBH I think I first heard it on the retro hour podcast. Thought about it, and yeah it does roughly work out right for me.

    I think it might also depend on your age though. Probably someone who is 15 now sees the Wii or even Wii U as retro, whereas I’m an 80s kid.