Just looking for some recommendations because I’m in a sci fi mood. And btw, my favorite sci fi film is Planet of the Apes (original).

  • Windows_Error_Noises@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    All of my favorites have been mentioned already (Yay!) but I want to mention The Signal - it surprised us with how much we enjoyed it, and it’s one we revisit from time to time. I don’t know if there’s much lore developed around it by now, but it’s a nice imagination prompt!

    Ooh, and Pandorum. Another comfort spooky

    Personal favorite is David Lynch’s Dune. All the good, all the bad, all the ridiculous production problems. I won’t go on, though, I’ll be here proselytizing all day on Herbert, Lynch, Dune, and making sure you always get final cut for filmmaking, or nothing (ya know, everyday problems).