Here at exploding heads we allow anyone to say and post pretty much anything. Also unlike many other versions or instances of this platform throughout the fediverse we allow you to create your own community and do as you please with it. (So long as it doesn’t break United States law) Here we don’t censor or ban people or suspend accounts over frivolous matters. So if you want a place where you know that the mods and admins aren’t seeking money, donations, clout for greedy or self virtuous reasons then here you have a home. I am Wiggle Hard, a free speech advocate and a destroyer of tyranny, censorship and communism. (If you are a commie, please feel free to post here. (By the way, here we encourage robust debate as well childish things like silly memes, anything is game here and although we welcome all, this is not your safe space or cry closet. Here we encourage open discussion, right or wrong)