discharge = discharge from hospital

  • YtA4QCam2A9j7EfTgHrH@infosec.pub
    2 months ago

    This sometimes doesn’t work. My wife is severely ill. Has been for years. A couple years ago she developed a wound on her heel that just wouldn’t heal. She spent a week in hospital while doctors tried to figure it out. In the end, they just thought she was fucking nuts given her constellation of symptoms and the fact that she is a woman. This dumbfounded me because she had a fucking wound on her heel. I told her that the wound was finally proof that she was sick and it was a good thing. Man I was fucking so wrong.

    We finally found an expert in mcas who was like, yep you have mcas, you are the worst I’ve ever seen and here is a med for it. She is still severely ill, but her heel wound, which inspired no curiosity in the hospital doctors, is finally closing.

    • ZILtoid1991@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I have so serious side effects from my anti-seizure medication it literally disables me more than my seizures (note that I rarely had seizures, it was just too scary for my parents), but every complaint of mine was just dismissed.

      • Trouble with sleeping? Just sleep more, you will have more dreams and more health since more sleep means more health.
      • Trouble with memory and concentration? Either just try harder, or take notes about every small detail.
      • Weight gain even with a diet? Give up all your other hobbies and become a full-time sportsman!
        • ZILtoid1991@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Valproic acid. It’s so infamous as a mood stabilizer that Scientologists were using it as their example of “bad medications”, but once toxic positivity around mental health care became fashionable, people were forced to wipe the internet on documenting their misfortunes with the medication.